_ oliver

oliver avatar
Videos: 1
Followers: 3

_ featured video

Malay diabolo culture. Great video to go with a great essay by Oliver about the culture of diabolo in Kuala Lumpur. Oh, and if the thumbnail doesn't make it obvious enough - great skills too.

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_ Malaysian Diabolo Team Visit

Compilation of clips that i took during a visit to meet malaysian diabolo teams in KL. See http://diabolo.ca/forum/index.php?topic=8596.msg99592;topicseen#new for the write up.
Sorry for the poor quality video and editing, it doesn’t reflect the skill and quality of those featured.
Thanks to all of the Malay diabolists that I met, especially Luke and Heng Ee.
Kuala Lumpur - 2010 Malaysia
  2010-12-03 06:37 16902

7_ they said...

jtansito _ 169 months
“son entero seco lo culiao
la cagaron”
sean_ _ 170 months
“http://diabolo.ca/forum/index.php?topic=8596.0 for the report that goes with this video”
melengzai123 _ 170 months
“awesome !”
tappi _ 170 months
“5d low xdd”
Robin _ 170 months
jo_gazab _ 170 months
“impressive how things develop in this non-western culture just by having fun of it. this makes me question some of our european approaches...”
looby _ 170 months
“Damn...thanks for capturing perfection ollie :)”

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