JTV says_ It's EJC time! While the 33rd EJC is about to open in Joensuu, Finland, here's a look back to a great performance at the 8th, way back in 1985. While you're up there, Greg, gives the windows a wipe, would you?
jo_gazab_ 175 months
“:D Greg burnin', and the crowd too! thanks a lot!”
bug_ 210 months
“According to http://www.juggle.org/archives/archives2/40-4/40-4,p8.htm he was at the EJC in 1985: EJC 8: Louvain la Neuve, Belgium”
TLMB_ 210 months
“It wasn't the first EJC, since there were only 11 people there, and GP was not one of them. See http://homepage.ntlworld.com/toby.p/brighton.htm”
“every time I see something incredible ... then something more incredible shows up.”