
_ lund

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_ A Combo and some Tricks

A cool Devilstick Combo and some other Tricks with 1 and 2 Devilsticks and Balls i was working at the last few month.
(long run of anti-tictac, behind the neck catch, devilstick front side mills mess...)
  2011-05-01 04:43 6451

2_ they said...

lund _ 166 months
“i got the idee of the behind the neck catch a few weeks ago when paul lind told me to do it and how it´s done with club, at the moment i have it at 30% nice executet catches and another 20% percent of real lucky and ugly catches but i guess i can bring it to a 95% catchrate”
sethoscope _ 166 months
“Lots of great stuff in there! I like the double wrist rolls right at the start. Not your hardest move, but very smooth. Those sideways moves at 1:30 are looking great, as usual. The behind-the-back catch at 4:27 is impressive. How often can you nail it?”

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