_ 2 ball juggling routine

A two ball routine put together to put the lie to the line "2 balls isn't real juggling".
  2007-09-27 03:11 13172

4_ they said...

michaelkemp _ 174 months
“Very clever. You're always great at coming up with original routines, and I love how almost everything you do is uncut. Great job.”
jakekenny _ 187 months
“good work and original”
HankyUSA _ 188 months
“That freaking cool. I like your timing with the music and that it all uncut. You really did just about everything I could imagine someone doing with only two balls.”
nakujgl _ 199 months
“nice routine. lots of great two ball moves. whudda thunk it?”

_ download it

ENCODED FILE - iPod friendly version
320x240 - 25fps - mp4 - 4.15MB
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