Master/beast club passing act - Didier Andre & Fabian Alberola - in Archaos "The Last Show on Earth" Australia 1992
The strongest character-based juggling act I've seen. Skill level was high for its time (5 clubs each, solid 8 club pass), the act is beautifully constructed, and it rocked the show every night I saw it.
Arslanov (Russia) with a unique mouthstick balance routine at 15th Cirque de Demain in 1992. Bronze medal
mouthstick balance - ball & pedestals; stick balancing & spinning
Arslanov is still doing a similar act today, and has a JTV channel.
Mark Robertson (1963 - 1992) at the 4th Cirque de Demain in 1980, aged 17yrs. Mark won a silver medal.
devilstick, yo-yos, and a short training session with Sergei Ignatov at the end.
This is the same footage as JTV #245 and JTV #692, except that it's in colour and clearer, and includes the Ignatov clip
Documentary/Showreel about British "new circus" troupe Ra Ra Zoo and their show "Live at the Swan Theater". Not sure about the date as I can't make that out at the end, but it's some time in the late 1980s-early 1990s I think.
Video features what looks like a young Sean Gandini to me, which would make it pre-1992