First attempt at a tutorial. This is a super super useful trick for multiball bodyrolling and isn't all that hard, so its really worth learning it./nHope it can be of use to someone.
New Flip HD! Started working on them properly today, after 5 million tries got some that almost looked right. Maybe make another in a month to see if theres any difference...doubtful. I'm going to learn the bastard though even if it kills me.
P.S They are not easy.
un pequeño video de los trucos en que mes estoy centrado ahora: elbow to elbow, outside elbow stall, collapse chestroll, spiral y un poco de headrolls.
More ideas and the discovery I can walk around while doing ballstalls. Got it first try on camera!/nEdit - I may well have used this song before, oops! But sod it I like it and it fits a lot better this time round.