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Convention Parisienne de Jonglerie TRAILER


Préventes : https://www.asso-apj.fr/preventes2017 Crowdfunding : https://www.asso-apj.fr/crow2017 Infos : https://www.asso-apj.fr/convention2017 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/56086... -------------------------------------------- UNE CONVENTION À PARIS ! ENFIN ! -------------------------------------------- Toute l'équipe de l'Association Parisienne de Jonglerie est heureuse de vous annoncer que du 19 au 21 mai 2017 aura lieu la Convention Parisienne de Jonglerie dans les locaux de la MJC les Hauts de Belleville à PARIS ! (Métro Télégraphe) **2 Gymnases** **Couchages sur place** **Jeux de la jongle** **Spectacles** **Initiations** **Concerts** **Parc et verdure à proximité (camping interdit sur place)** Vous pouvez déjà réserver vos places (HEBERGEMENT EN QUANTITE LIMITEE) : https://www.asso-apj.fr/preventes2017 Plus d'infos sur le SITE : https://www.asso-apj.fr/convention2017






3 balls, a couch and Van Gogh


That’s my new 3 ball juggling video. After watching the footage the first time I noticed that I had too much stuff for a normal video. Because of that I decided to separate it in 5 chapters. I think that the structure makes it more watchable. Chapter 1: body placements Chapter 2: combinations and miscellaneous Chapter 3: fork and back of the hand Chapter 4: boxes and Co. Chapter 5: bodythrows and bodycatches Don’t except too much of the bodythrow/catch stuff. Recently I didn't work much on bodythrows/catches. Therefore the focus is more on the other chapters. Filmed in one session on January 29, 2012. Germany
3 - balls - a - couch - and - van - gogh - paul - lind






Nate Allenby juggling promo


After an AMAZING two week road trip around the SW USA with two awesome German Couchsurfers, I edited this video of all our footage into this epic montage. I am available for Private Events and Festivals; contact info at the end of the video. I love to teach juggling! I also stilt walk and enjoy doing tricks on the Chinese Pole! (619)419-6703, call for booking! Please Like and Share! http://Www.CirqueQuirk.com http://www.Facebook.com/CirqueQuirk http://www.linkedin.com/in/cirquequirk/ https://twitter.com/CirqueQuirk [email protected]






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