This is the Convention-Video of the first "Diabolocamp", a convention for diabolo-players set in Hanover (Germany) in August, 2006. The next Diabolocamp will also take place in Germany in 2007. For more information have a look at
After 6 months of practising 3 diabolos I'm finally able to do it! Thanks to everyone who helped and supported me.
location: Germany, Pirmasens
diabolos: Henrys Circus TK2 by Akrobat
sticks: Mr Babache Xtreme Color
camera: Praktica DVC 10.1 HDMI
editing program: Magix Video Deluxe 17
A funny video which resulted from a diabolo-meeting in Dortmund. Starring: Scrat, Jouzu, Dennis, Madmethis, Jatz and me.
Visit for more information.