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Alex and Pete


I met up with Alex for a juggling session. We both beat our 11 ball personal bests. Here's what happened at the end of the video: Basically Alex became the first person to juggle 11 balls with 23 catches. I saw the whole thing and it looked amazing (very clean). We thought we'd captured it with both our camcorders but unfortunately one camera wasn't recording and the other had fallen over and was pointing at the sky!






Eleven at Sunset


The seemingly endless struggle for the qualify continues with another pretty but disappointing 19 catches Not by any means the closest I have come...






Joe and Wes 4


Joe and Wes have made 3 videos together in the past. Each video has been a little bit better then the last. Not so with with this motion picture. Lets put it this way, If Joe and Wes 3 was a tape walkman, then Joe and Wes 4 would be a 80 GB video iPod. It's longer, it has better tricks, better filming, better video quality, just better everything. So make sure you socks are on tight and start downloading JaW4!!!!






The Steve


Originally invented by Mushy Pea Steve this move was refered to as "that move Steve does" and became known simply as The Steve. Hold your arm out in front of you with the staff a little above your head. Spin the staff towards you so it will roll down your arm and release it just before the staff is pointing straight in front of you. As the staff rolls down your arm straighten your arm a little to allow a smoother roll and raise your arm up. When it gets to your shoulder raise that shoulder and drop the other so it keeps rolling. As it comes onto your second arm raise that arm with the staff to give it the momentum to get back to your hand.






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Coatpeg drop to elbow catch


This trick is similar to the coatpeg drop but instead of dropping the hat and catching it behind your back, you catch it on your elbow. Hold the hat in your right hand, and throw it up to a coatpeg catch in your left hand. Let go of the hat, and bend your left arm at the elbow, pointing your elbow upwards. Catch the hat on your elbow. To complete the move, straighten your arm and the hat will fall. The catch is similar to that in the wipe up






Tricks With Hats: Tumble


Tumble - Tumble the hat over the back of the hand Hold the hat crown up in a outside grip. Swing the hat inwards and let go so it can roll up past the thumb onto the back of the wrist. While the hat is above the hand keep the wrist bent so the fingers are pointing outwards and lift the fingers as high as you can. The fingers will touch the inside of the crown and allow you to catch the hat in a inside grip. To repeat the trick throw a half spin and catch the hat back in a outside grip or do a Reverse Tumble.






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