Featuring Craig Lewis, Ben Domask, Matthew Cole, Michel "Mitch" Burnett, Richard Kohut, Tanner Alder, and Vova Galchenko. The World Juggling Federation Convention and Competitions in Springfield, IL. July 4-10, 2011. More info at www.thewjf.com. Music by Kevin Macleod (www.incompetech.com).
Featuring Tanner Alder. The World Juggling Federation Convention and Competitions in Springfield, IL. July 4-10, 2011. More info at www.thewjf.com. Music by Kevin Macleod (www.incompetech.com)
Co hosts Tanner Alder and Rich Kohut discuss Mark Watson's new summer juggling blog, "Android Hell 2", Wes Peden's "Mediocrity", and question whether the WJF has succeeded in it's goals.
Android Hell 2 - http://juggling.tv/6231
Mediocrity - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ9aTcR0HDM
Co hosts Richard Kohut and Tanner Alder discuss the newly launched juggle-wiki, "Over Darkness" by Pavel, Peden To Sweden #1, Logbooks and how they can help you creatively, and the Durham Juggling Fest.
This weeks long delayed episode finally coming to you from WJF7! Featuring RichardKohut, Steve Hoggan, Danny Champ, and Tanner Alder talking about what it's like to compete, the Kendama Explosion, and Major League Combat's new games and it's role as a sort. Plus, videos from the convention hall, shows, and even the debut of JoJ's official intermission song! Enjoy!