We don't remember the name of the player now. Very nice style!
A Circoforum initiative. We're uploading good old diabolo videos and stuff we don't want to get forgotten.
Yufi.Zongler.CZ - Interview in Brno 2010
Camera, editing, subtitles: Bara Ančincová
Performer: Yufi.Zongler.CZ
Brno, October 2010
Contact juggling balls of crystal
Juggling with the bouncingballs
Juggling with the balls
Juggling with the clubs
Juggling with the diabolos
Casting video filmed company Mana for Czech TV competition: TalenMania 2010.
Juggling with 8, 7 and 5 bouncingballs
Juggling with 3 balls
Juggling with 4 clubs
Juggling with 3 diabolos
Performer: Yufi.Zongler.CZ
Music: Japka - Kopa vody
Camera: Duris
Subtitle: Yufi
Denisovy sady, Brno
Link to YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ax1YMHldfM
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/yufizongler - more videos
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/YufiZonglerCZ/41759682047
Web: http://yufi.zongler.cz/ or http://www.zongler.cz/zonglerske-vystoupeni/
Fountain juggling - or juggling on a fountain, Brno, Czech Republic, Indian summer 2008
Žonglérská fontána - aneb žonglování pro fontánu, Brno, babí léto 2008
Juggling Show with Diabolo in the 30th European Juggling Convention 2007 in Athens, Greece.
Žonglérské představení z diabolem na třicátem EJC 2007 v Aténách, Řecko.