_ crimovbe _ Favourites

1-3 of 3

title: 3 Ball New School Juggling

description: I know the title sounds a bit corny but why not use such a cool term? This is a compilation of me performing part of the tricks I've come up with in the last 3 to 4 months. The main purposes of this video are to introduce new concepts and share ideas of tricks and connections between them so please, don't criticise my lack of symmetry or the lack of endurance because I'm pretty aware of it. Inspirations: Kohei Yamashita, Stefan Sing, Darren Donelle and Amadeusz Kołak. Music: Bakermat - Black Cat John Brown Gang Starr - Full Clip Props: Norwiks (75mm and 70g). Location: University of Victoria (BC), Canada.
Tags: 3 - ball - juggling - new - school - body - throws





title: A New Diabolo Video

description: Funny, nice edited, colourful. M4U at his best./nWe're uploading good old diabolo videos and stuff we don't want to get forgotten.
Tags: m4u - diabolo





title: Colaboración Diábolo 2011 Circoforum

description: One more year we bring you our Collaboration Video. Spanish diabolo players from all around the country and even abroad team up for an almost 10 minutes video. This year we pay tribute to Kukutza III (in Bilbao), an occupied cultural center that has been providing a mixed and wide cultural alternative for many years in a working-class neighbourhood. It's been evicted and next demolished in September 2011. http://kukutza.blogspot.com/ We also want to dedicate this to all the people suffering the consequences of a crisis and the ones taking the streets to protest. Don't give up; we can. Thanks to all the diabolo players involved, and especially to our editor, Blonfu, for his hard work. :) This is our 4th diabolo project, check the ones from 2006, 2009 and 2010 too!





_ crimovbe _


_ crimovbe



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131 months

_ About crimovbe

Reporter: "That didn't hap too often did it?" instead, when readying your talking, discover, specifically what you want to achieve by yielding the speech. As shavers fun mature elderly, they become more than main in their options of what flirts to represent with. It begins betimes. Every child dearests to feature fun. perhaps the most obvious Hawaiian activity you can do is to host a luau.

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