mikeymangorilla_ 107 months
“I show this video every time there is a group of people sharing juggling videos! so insane. Are you going to ejc this summer?”
jo_gazab_ 138 months
“I used henrys delphin clubs for that. They work best for most of these tricks. Some tricks work with other henry type clubs, too, but then it's a bit harder.”
TheJ_ 138 months
“This is so great, what kind of clubs are those? They can balance in ways a lot of clubs can't naturally. I ==”
Grohy_ 171 months
please, wath of club do you have? I have pirouettes from Hanris but some balancetricks are hard with them...
And the nex questin is... How do you give the third Club up? I need every time some assistent... :D”
enjoyjuggling_ 179 months
“wow!nice notation!wanna see more!!!!”
Mr.Retro_ 187 months
“These are all awesome! I haven't quite caught the notation yet, but I'm certain I'm going to start working on these great balances. Thanks for the inspiration!”
“I show this video every time there is a group of people sharing juggling videos! so insane. Are you going to ejc this summer?”