_ Mainz Manipulation Mania - Part 2
The 2nd episode of Mainz Manipulation Mania.
This time you'll see the incredible Hagen, who studied at the circus-school "Etage" in Berlin before going to cirkus cirkoer (Stockholm) in 2003 where he developed most of his fine 3 club art showed in this video. He then broke his leg and decided to come back to Germany. From 2005 to 2006, together with Paul Lind, he created some nice 3 ball stuff. Hagen now lives in Frankfurt and teaches juggling and artistry at the Clownsschule Mainz.
juggling: hagen buechner
music: k* from the wired
opening song "ah ah ah" performed by: ernst neger (famous folk singer from mainz)
editing: me
may 2009
listen to more music by k* from the wired at http://www.myspace.com/kfromthewired
Mainz, Frankfurt - 2009
“ja ja ! really good 3 club manipulation tricks :)”