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LCD's rather luscious record of a Berlin workshop that mixed up movement/liquid/slow walking skills with contact juggling.

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_ The Berlin Workshop / Ministry of Manipulation

October 2010 saw a collaboration between the Ministry of Manipulation and Aragorn Boulanger, aimed at teaching advanced level illusion techniques combining Contact juggling and dance.
The 5 days of workshops at the Juggling Center Berlin, run by Ed Adams and Aragorn, provided everyone with a huge amount of information and ideas.
Everything Aragorn was teaching could be directly applied to the techniques that Ed was teaching. The perfect collaboration...
So, where does it all go to from here...?
Filmed, edited and produced by myself at Rock and Roll Robot studios.
  2011-01-13 10:25 7545

2_ they said...

iMark _ 169 months
BriManeely _ 169 months
“Such an amazing and inspirational video!
Thank you for putting this together LCD!”

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