
_ Dixie

Dixie avatar
Videos: 1
Followers: 9

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Jamming fun with friends. I remember when I had a giant warehouse in my back garden:practise space 24/7. Good times.

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_ I.C.E.

A video edited by Piet van Steen.
Preformers in the video:
Piet van Steen
Juul de Bruijn
Simon à Campo
Dixie Wanner
The Netherlands > Oosterhout.
Oosterhout - 2011 Netherlands
  2011-03-19 07:10 6513

6_ they said...

Tim0 _ 107 months
“Amazing video! The Diabolotist is just amazing! :)”
oli.martin _ 158 months
“wow that is arseme”
Manuel _ 162 months
“Sehr gut, weiter so. Hier sieht man deutlich das Jongleure auch Menschen sind und jonglieren Spaß macht :-))”
pfuisi _ 162 months
“super ;)”
Simalacrum _ 162 months
“very niiice, I like it! good job :)”
danda _ 162 months
“I love this video- awesome juggling and editing too ;)”

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