yohan610_ 166 months
“you're great, no music, only a diabolo and you successed to make everybody laugh, nice job ;p”
mo3_ 167 months
“samuli, i love it :P christoph already told me about it at some convention, now that i saw it, i believe him. Takes some balls to do a complete knot-routine and even without music! your bold smile makes it even better :P”
JTV_ 167 months
“Thanks for the info, fixing. We have fixed this video's iPod version. Awaiting your email re linux issues.”
fixing_ 167 months
“Hey Juggling.tv on my linux machine with Flash Player installed, the flash videos on juggling.tv do not work with google chromium or mozilla firefox. This video does not work with html5 either, I have only sound, no video.”
L-Finger_ 167 months
“I love it for being so lame. ;) It's so not about tricks and then it's all about the tricks.”
Samuli_ 167 months
“Dear Tobi, I know that the act I perfromed is lame. I am really sorry for being such a lame ass juggler as I am. I think Kiko already pointed out the nicest thing in this act, the 'Iwrestledabearonce' -shirt, and I agree with him. I believe that this video wouldn't have been featured without it.”
Tobi_ 167 months
“sorry, but that was pretty lame”
“you're great, no music, only a diabolo and you successed to make everybody laugh, nice job ;p”