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Trapeze Suicide


Diabolo trick: Trapeze Suicide For a full description and more tricks for diabolos check http://www.diabolotricks.co.uk/trick/trapeze-suicide.html






Travel To France - Diabolo Video by Kike


Aquí os dejo con mi segundo gran vídeo después de casi año y medio. Hope you like






Treino da Meia Noite 1 / Midnight Training 1


Sim, minha camera é um lixo, mas dá pra pegar a ideia. Em breve, o resultado final desse treino./nYes, my camera sucks, but you can get the ideia. Soon, the final result of this training./nMusica/Music: Tosca Tango Orquestra - El Cholulo






Trick With Hats - Vanishing Foot


This is surprisingly effective when done well, it can really look like your leg has dissapeared! Unfortunately it's very angle sensetive, it only really works when viewed from the front. Incase you can't work it out from the video, here's how you do it. Hold the hat by the brim, with the opening resting against the top of your thigh, move it down until it covers your foot and hides it from view. As you raise the hat again, bend your leg at the knee. Et voila! Your leg has vanished! Lower the hat again, straightening your leg as you do so. Ooh look! Your leg has re-appeared! Top tips: Only raise the hat as far as your knee, and keep your foot hidden behind your thigh. A few minutes practice infront of a mirror and you'll soon get the hang of it. Bonus points: Make both legs dissapear, at the same time...






Trick With Hats: Forward Twiddle


Forward Twiddle - Twiddle the hat off the head and back on. It's got comedy potential too! Allegedly. Use a palm-up fork grip on both sides the hat, and lift it off the head. Remove the ring fingers from the brim and twist the hat between the fore and middle fingers. Stop the spin by gripping the brim between the fore fingers and thumb. Reverse the process to return the hat to the head. You can get an easy laugh by getting the return part wrong and pretending to hit yourself in the face. Jon Lockwood (of Mushy Pea Juggling fame, now working as with "Company of Fools") did lots of hat workshops at juggling conventions in the mid to late 1990's and started Mike and LP out on the hat road. This was often the first trick he taught...so it's Jon and this trick that ultimately led to the creation of this site. Thanks Jon! From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Dan's Rolls


Hold the hat in an inside grip. Put the other arm out at an angle and twist the hand round so it faces backwards. Place the hat on the upper arm and let it roll down to a catch in another inside grip. Repeat as often as you like by alternating sides.






Tricks With Hats: Hat Spinning - Basic Spin


Hold the hat by the brim with your left hand so that the crown of the hat is facing away from you. Take the stick in your right hand. With a flick of your wrist, throw the hat up slightly so that it starts spinning anti-clockwise. As the hat descends, hit the brim with the stick slightly to the right of center, such that the stick curves slightly upwards and outwards. This will cause the hat to spin as it rises into the air. As it descends again, repeat the hitting action. The idea of the basic spin is to keep the hat in the air by hitting it repeatedly with the stick in this manner. I find it helps if you look at the top portion of the inside of the hat. Adjusting the spin rate and direction: Hitting the hat nearer the center will give you a slower spin and more height, nearer the edge will give you a faster spin but less height. Obviously striking the left side of the brim will reverse the spin and cause the hat to go clockwise. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Steve Rawlings Twisty Hat Catch


Steve Rawlings showed me this trick in Birmingham and said that he used to do it in every show, but now that he's older (and a little rounder :-) he can't get it every time any more. Steve uses a china plate for this trick, but it works with hats too which is why it's here! :-) Take the hat in your right hand, using an inside grip and hold it so that the crown of the hat is facing to the left. Throw the hat virtically with some spin, and then do the following while the hat is in the air... Put your right hand between your legs Take the hand around the back of the right leg Stand on your left leg and move the right hand & foot behind the left leg Then, catch the descending hat in your right hand, from that position. Without falling over. Top Tips: Practice the "tangle yourself up" bit first without the catch. Keep your eye on the hat as it decends, practice loads... Luke Burrage managed to get this on video within 30 minutes. I've been trying for weeks and can't do it. It's pretty hard.






Tricks With Hats: Sweavo's Hatstand


The hatstand made its debut at chocfest 7, where I was compering. After a period of prototyping and refining, I built the version that worked. I demoed this a couple of times then it broke. I replaced the elastic and set it up for the big day, used it on stage and it worked, then broke next time I used it. Be prepared to spend significant tinkering time in between uses, and for frequent breakdowns. That said, it's never let me down when I've needed it. All in all I've found it a great way to get chicks[1], if you don't count the long evenings spent honing the design and strewing the house with geeky construction equipment, and the fact you'll be laughed out of most nightclubs if you go in wearing a topper. But on stage it works, and it has drawn admiring glances from fellow jugglers and even won us a bag full of croissants on one occasion. Sweavo, June 2003 [1] facts may vary From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Twiddled Big Circles


Twiddled Big Circles - A trickier but nicer version of Big Circles Big Circles is a big, visual trick, but the grip change can be slightly ungainly. The twiddle that this trick adds gives a similar effect but has a smoother, if slightly more difficult, change. Mike and LP disagree on the best way to do this - LP's way, shown in the video clip above, is to do a finger twiddle, as described in the Forward Twiddle when the hat is at the top of the circle. Mike uses a Thumb Spin to adjust the grip. Try both and decide which feels more comfortable to you, there's little point getting both smooth as they look identical to anyone except a hat manipulation geek, and there aren't many of them in the world! From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Upward twiddle


Upward twiddle - Twiddle the hat directly above the head Use a palm-up fork grip on both sides the hat, and lift it off the head and straight up. Remove the ring fingers from the brim and twist the hat between the fore and middle fingers. Stop the spin by gripping the brim between the fore fingers and thumb. You can either place it straight back on the head, or reverse the twiddle on the way back down. From the TricksWithHats Archive






Tricks With Hats: Wipe Up Arm Roll


This is a combination of parts of two other tricks, so it would probably help to learn them first. They are the Arm Roll and the Wipe Up Start with the hat on your head. With the right arm, do the first part of a wipe up, just to the point where the hat comes off your head. However, instead of carrying it out to the side, push the hat back on your head so that the bottom of the brim comes into contact with your shoulder blades. Use your upper arm to push the hat off and to the left, so that it can roll down your arm as though you were doing an Arm Roll, catching it in you hand as you do so One variation that Mike is fond of, is to grip the front part of the crown with the crook of the elbow. Mike claims this gives him more options, and more control over where the hat goes. Try it, it may work for you too!






TricksWithHats: Plates - Turnover behind the back


A variation of the simple turnover: Start with the plate flat in your right hand. Throw it slightly, and while it's airborne turn your right hand so that the heel of the hand contacts the underside of the left rim of the plate as it descends. Push upwards and over with your hand and turn it over so that the plate comes to rest back in your palm. From the TricksWithHats archive






TricksWithHats: Plates - Turnover to under the leg


A variation of the simple turnover: Start with the plate flat in your right hand. Throw it slightly, and while it's airborne turn your right hand so that the heel of the hand contacts the underside of the left rim of the plate as it descends. Push upwards and over with your hand and turn it over so that the plate comes to rest back in your palm. From the TricksWithHats archive






Trixie Larue on ice... in colour!


The astonishing Trixie Larue on ice. In glorious colour!! Ball spinning, head bouncing, 3 hats, 6 plates and a head bounce, ball and mouthstick, and fine row of 6 backflips (on skates!) to cap it off. Found on home movies from The Maxwells - Australian comedy acrobatic duo, who worked in the Ice Capades with her.






Two Handed Whip


Diabolo trick: Two Handed Whip For a full description and more tricks for diabolos check http://www.diabolotricks.co.uk/trick/2-handed-whip.html












TYM Weekend Clip Video 2


Der zweite Teil des extrem coolen Weekend Clip Videos - Second part of our cool weekend clip






Types of  Yo-Yos - Part 2 of 2: Shapes - Luke Renner


Primary yo-yos used in the demonstration by Luke Renner were created by: Russell, Playmaxx, Tom Kuhn, Monarch and includes a generic red & yellow plastic yo-yo (cameos by Hummingbird & Duncan). Studio footage filmed by Andrew Gomez in Northwest New Mexico 12/30/09 and footage filmed by Steve Renner 1/3/10. Yo-yo topic covered in this instructional video is the different types of primary yo-yo shapes. The three covered are traditional, slimline/midline/Russell and butterfly yo-yos. Includes the a possible origin of the butterfly yo-yo. This is the second of a two part series. Note: The Russell shape is included with the slimline/midline group; however this shape is considered unique enough to have its own category. Music is a public domain jazz loop by Florian.






Types of Yo-Yos - Part 1: Axles - Luke Renner


Primary yo-yos used in the demonstration by Luke Renner were created by: Russell, Playmaxx, Tom Kuhn, Monarch and includes a generic red and yellow plastic yo-yo. Footage filmed by Andrew Gomez in Northwest New Mexico 12/30/09. Yo-yo topic covered in this instructional video is the different types of axles found in yo-yos. The three covered are wood, metal and ball bearing axles. This is the first of a two part series. Part two will be released later in 2010. Music is a public domain jazz loop by Florian.






U2 Video 5


Ady's last 'U2 Juggling Video'. Set to where the streets have no name, and includes great tricks like 4 ring mills mess and plenty of overhead stuff. Thanks to Freddy Sheed for helping out with the last shot.






Ulkopuolella / за пределами (sneak peek)


Ulkopuolella / за пределами Ohjaus, lavastus ja valosuunnittelu: Rauli Katajavuori Puvustus: Laura Sariola Musiikki: Jalmari lavastuksen rakennus: Hannu Multanen Äänimaisema: Antti Koukonen Esiintyjät: Jalmari ja Rauli Katajavuori/nUlkopuolella – teos on karhean humoristisesti vakava ideaalikone. Alkulähteenämme ovat sirkus ja musiikki. Syvennymme käsittämättömään ja etsimme syvää kansaperinnettä tulevaisuudesta. Tervetuloa mukaan huviretkelle tienpientareille, joissa resistanssia ei ole./nEsityksen kesto noin 50min/nKantaesitys Joensuun taidemuseo Onnin juhlasalissa 3.5.2017 klo 19 Muut näytökset: la 6.5. klo 15 su 7.5. klo 15 ke 10.5. klo 19 la 13.5. klo 15/nLippujen hinnat 10/15 € (ovelta) paikkoja rajoitetusti.






Ultimate Juggling Squad - Čenda hledá supertalent 2013


Vystoupení na talentové soutěži Čenda hledá supertalent 2013 kde se členové Švára, Venďa, Klára a Žanek opět probojovali do nejlepší 12ctky. S tímto vystoupením jsme postoupili do superfinále, které se koná v Šiklově Mlýně!/nThanks to Team RdL: www.renegadesignlab.com/nDiabolo: Taibolo Glary, V 2.0 Balls: Jugglequip RATIO/nwww.ujs.cz www.facebook.com/zonglovani






Une paire pour deux - Compagnie Tilos


La compagnie Tilos vous propose son spectacle "Une paire pour deux", un duo dédié au passing avec seulement une paire de baguettes et un diabolo. Le choix d'un matériel minimal est une contrainte particulière qui mène vers des ressorts techniques originaux, et pousse le passing dans une voie encore peu explorée. The Tilos Company presents the show "A pair for two", a duet based on diabolo passing with only one pair of sticks and one diabolo. The choice to make a whole act with such a few number of juggling props is a really intersting constraint that leads to an original technical research and brings the diabolo passing in a way no mutch developped.






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