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Sleep With One Eye Open


A juggling/diabolo video i made over the past 2 days inside because it was cold as hell outside. It is by far better than my last video but my next one will be even better with more jugglers./nP.S Forgot to mention theres a tiny bit of crappy ringabolo.






Synthetic- Trailer- Wes Peden video


45 minutes of juggling! 25 minutes of bonus tricks!! Available now for 15€ http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Synthetic is a film displaying the new work of Wes Peden. The material was inspired, in a concrete way, by the strength of each prop and how to best take advantage of these qualities. The general aesthetic of the juggling was particularly influences by asymmetry, clarity, and trick shape. The video is 45 minutes long and comes with an additional 25 minutes of bonus tricks and remixes. inside you will find 3 club slapping sequences, the coolest 5 ball pirouette Wes has ever done, 25 new ring patterns, a German 6 ball piece, 3 balls and a sweater, THE THROWING AWAY SECTION, the holy club/cuphead/ball part, site specific head rolls, flipping forehead balances, the 2012 five club routine, and so very much many more! This is a pay for download product. Grab it here! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Prop Sponsors http://www.henrys-online.de/ http://www.sportjugglingco.com/ http://www.renegadejuggli






Teku Contact - 21.5 - Low Tension


Brainstorming session using 3 balls and only the inside part of the arm. Tried filming outside but got kicked out of the placed I wanted to go, and with crap weather to come figured I'd just get it out of the way so I can move on to vid 22 (Which WILL BE FILMED SOMEWHERE NICE!)./nテンションが低くいですねw 日本のサラリーマンの生活は大変ですよ~w






Tricks With Hats: Arm Roll


Arm Roll - Rolling a hat along your arm. Hold the hat in an inside grip, and from behind the head (duck a bit), release with a flick of the wrist. The brim stays in front of the arm, whilst the crown rolls along it. The easy catch is palm-upwards. The hard, snazzy catch, which extends the roll a little bit, is palm downwards; let the brim roll over the thumb, and pinch-catch the brim between thumb & forefinger. Smile. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Back catch


Back catch - Throw the hat, bend over and catch it on your back. Hold the hat crown up in an inside grip. Throw the hat as if you were doing a low throw to head, and at the last minute bend from the waist and duck under it so is lands flat on your back.






Tricks With Hats: Back Roll (One handed)


Back Roll (One handed) - Rolling the hat across your back from one side to the other. This trick is the one handed version of Back Rolls Hold the had in an Inside grip, with the thumb in a straight line with the forearm. Bend over at the waist, swing the arm across the body, and up under the armpit. Flick the wrist at the last moment to help with the spin. Look out to the side, and GRAB! Haggis' Hot Tip: If you can get the hat to bounce oll on the catching arm as it comes off of your back, this will slow things down a bit. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Back Rolls


Back Rolls - Bend forward and roll the hat across the back. Hold the hat with the crown facing backwards in an inside grip. Bend the body forward from the waist and swing the hat across the body tucking the hand into the arm pit.Let the hat roll across the back, aiming for the opposite shoulder. Turn the head to the right and watch the hat as it drops off the shoulder. Catch it in an inside grip with the left hand. If the hat is difficult to catch then you are probably throwing it too hard. Learn this trick with both hands, as it looks nice if you roll the hat back and forth across the back. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Back tumble


Back tumble - Tumble the hat down your back and then up again. Put the hat towards the back of your head. If you throw the head back you should be able to hit the brim with the back of the neck and have it roll down the back. As the hat rolls bend forwards from the waist to slow it down. Catch it in a inside grip with both hands. Hold the hat still but move your hands so that they are at the front of the brim. Flick the hat so it rolls up the back. As you feel it on the shoulders put the head back to catch it. Getting the timing right takes a lot of practice...be warned, this trick is difficult. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Big Circles


Big Circles - Swing the hat round at arms length - and make it look good. Hold the hat crown forward in an inside grip and swing it at arms length - twisting the wrist to keep the crown forward. At the top of the swing let go of the hat, untwist your wrist and recatch the hat in an inside grip, continue the swing and repeat as many times as you like.






Tricks With Hats: Chest spin


Chest spin - Spin the hat down the arm, across the chest and out along the other arm. Hold the hat crown down in a outside grip. Flick the wrist inwards as hard as you can so that the hat spins fast and strikes the inside of the wrist. Allow the spin of the hat to carry it across the body and along the other arm. Catch the crown as it reaches the other hand. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Coat Peg


Coat Peg - Throw the hat up to an upstretched hand Hold the hat in an inside grip at waist height and throw it with half a spin to the upstretched hand. The key is to spread the fingers on your throwing hand as much as possible and hold your catching hand in a coat peg grip. The hat lands on your thumb like it's landing on a coatpeg. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Coat Peg (same hand)


A nice variation on the Coat Peg. Hold the hat in an inside grip at waist height and throw it upwards with half a spin. As the hat flies upwards quickly stick your throwing hand up in the air and catch it. The key is to spread the fingers on your throwing hand as much as possible and hold your catching hand in a coat peg grip. The hat lands on your thumb like it's landing on a coatpeg.






Tricks With Hats: Dan's Rolls


Hold the hat in an inside grip. Put the other arm out at an angle and twist the hand round so it faces backwards. Place the hat on the upper arm and let it roll down to a catch in another inside grip. Repeat as often as you like by alternating sides.






Tricks With Hats: Easy Arm Tumbles


Turn your head to the left, then reach over with the right hand to grab the front of the brim (in as close to an inside grip as you can manage). Lift the front of the hat and remove it from the head so it is upside down above the shoulder. Straighten the arm so it ends in an inside grip at arms length. Turn your head to the right so you are looking at the hat, flex the wrist so the hat lies inside the forearm then bend the elbow and replace the hat on the head (with your hand at the back). Repeat on the other side.






Tricks With Hats: Flat Throw to Head


Hold the hat out in front of you, in an inside grip so that the brim is horizontal, and the crown is on top. Pull back on the hat as you throw it, so that it floats, without spinning and catch it on your head. Here's what it looks like from the inside. The key to the trick seems to be to keep the hat level, and pull it towards you as you let go. That and luck, and/or practice.






Tricks With Hats: Foot to foot


After getting the hat to your foot (the knock to foot is the most common way, but there are plenty of others) you can hop and quickly remove your foot from the hat. Quickly get your throwing foot onto the ground and place the other foot inside the hat. As you can see from the video the hat stays fairly still and it's you that does all the movement. This video of the hat being spun as it is thrown between the feet should give you some ideas for variations on this trick.






Tricks With Hats: Full arm roll


Full arm roll - Roll the hat from hand to hand along outstretched arms Hold the hat with the crown back in an outside grip in your outstretched right hand. Flick the hat so that it spins up onto the arm and rolls across the back of the neck (make sure the head is ducked forward out of the way) and down the other arm. As the hat reaches the other wrist bend the hand up and catch it in a inside grip. Make sure the arms are sloped so that the hat is always rolling "downhill", and practice, practice, practice - this is a difficult trick. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Full arm roll (backhand release)


Full arm roll (backhand release) - Roll the hat from hand to hand along outstretched arms Hold the hat with the crown back in an inside grip in your outstretched right hand. Flick the hat so that it spins up out of the back of your hand onto the arm and rolls across the back of the neck (make sure the head is ducked forward out of the way) and down the other arm. As the hat reaches the other wrist bend the hand up and catch it in a inside grip. Make sure the arms are sloped so that the hat is always rolling "downhill", and practice, practice, practice - this is a difficult trick. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Hat Spinning - Basic Spin


Hold the hat by the brim with your left hand so that the crown of the hat is facing away from you. Take the stick in your right hand. With a flick of your wrist, throw the hat up slightly so that it starts spinning anti-clockwise. As the hat descends, hit the brim with the stick slightly to the right of center, such that the stick curves slightly upwards and outwards. This will cause the hat to spin as it rises into the air. As it descends again, repeat the hitting action. The idea of the basic spin is to keep the hat in the air by hitting it repeatedly with the stick in this manner. I find it helps if you look at the top portion of the inside of the hat. Adjusting the spin rate and direction: Hitting the hat nearer the center will give you a slower spin and more height, nearer the edge will give you a faster spin but less height. Obviously striking the left side of the brim will reverse the spin and cause the hat to go clockwise. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: One arm tumble


Hold the arm out to the side and move the head so that you are looking directly along the arm. Use the neck chop to knock the hat and a let it roll down the arm. Catch it with an inside grip. Raise the arm up and flick the hat back along it. Tuck the chin in beside the shoulder as the hat gets close and it will pop back onto the head. The key to this trick is to move your arm so that the hat is always rolling "downhill".






Tricks With Hats: Simple Bow


Slide the back of the hand up your face to remove the hat with an inside grip. Do a forward tumble as you bow to your audience, and stick the hat back on your head as you stand up.






Tricks With Hats: Steve Rawlings Twisty Hat Catch


Steve Rawlings showed me this trick in Birmingham and said that he used to do it in every show, but now that he's older (and a little rounder :-) he can't get it every time any more. Steve uses a china plate for this trick, but it works with hats too which is why it's here! :-) Take the hat in your right hand, using an inside grip and hold it so that the crown of the hat is facing to the left. Throw the hat virtically with some spin, and then do the following while the hat is in the air... Put your right hand between your legs Take the hand around the back of the right leg Stand on your left leg and move the right hand & foot behind the left leg Then, catch the descending hat in your right hand, from that position. Without falling over. Top Tips: Practice the "tangle yourself up" bit first without the catch. Keep your eye on the hat as it decends, practice loads... Luke Burrage managed to get this on video within 30 minutes. I've been trying for weeks and can't do it. It's pretty hard.






Tricks With Hats: Three Hat Cascade - Ring Style


Three Hat Cascade - Ring Style - Juggling 3 hats in a cascade, throwing them as you would rings. 1. Learn to juggle 3 balls. See the IJDb tutorials page. Sorry non-jugglers, but it'll help a lot. 2. Throw each hat with a flick of the wrist to give it some stabilising spin. Catch the hats palm-upwards, in an inside grip. Rotate the wrist inwards 180 degrees before the next throw.






Tricks With Hats: Throw to Foot


Throw to Foot - Throw the hat to your foot as if it was a hatstand. Hold the hat crown up above the shoulder with an inside grip. Lift the leg and keep it straight, flexing the foot as much as you can. With a flick of the wrist throw the hat straight to the foot with a single spin. This trick looks best if the throw is as straight as possible. Foot to Head is a nice return trick from here.






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