I met up with Alex for a juggling session. We both beat our 11 ball personal bests. Here's what happened at the end of the video: Basically Alex became the first person to juggle 11 balls with 23 catches. I saw the whole thing and it looked amazing (very clean). We thought we'd captured it with both our camcorders but unfortunately one camera wasn't recording and the other had fallen over and was pointing at the sky!
meant to of uploaded this on the 25th January when that would of be 2 years on the day but my wmm wasn't working sorry about the terrible quality a good camcorder cost money
oh and a big thank you to oddballs for the awesome T-shirt go check them out www.oddballs.co.uk/
Enjoy =D
yoyos: peak & mvp
song:short skirt long jacket by cake
Hello all,
This is my first real video that is not just crap. It is not very high standard and quite low quality but I'm improving and thinking of buying a new camcorder soon. Hope you guys will be liking it anyways.
I went to California in 2003 with my juggling partner, the multi-talented Kerry Silson. He's a musician, acrobat and horseback performer as well as juggler. The original tapes of this footage were eaten by a JVC camcorder (beware!) and the backups were destroyed by two Macintosh iBook computers working in separate countries. Hope this file (from a Video CD) is watchable.