Co hosts Joe Jaeger and Rich Kohut talk about the ECJ 2011 venue, "Dan Wood 4", Sean McKinney in Caught Clean, that it's like working for a juggling charity, and the Pinzgau Juggling Convention.
Joe Kudabeck shows up with the kid from Elburn Illinois and blows our minds with 150+ catches of 6 ball mills and a couple of 5 up 360s into 5 ball contortion. This is just a small sample of the sick sick tricks he was doing! Thanks Joe!
Petite aprèm d'entrainement dans mon jardin. Quelques impro, des boites qui volent haut et un bon album de Mexican institute of sound. figures à 4 et 5 boites en seconde partie de vidéo.
By an artist for the artists - If you need one promo video - Contact me.
Video by : Raphael Caputo - - France & International
Artists : Gauthier Tritschler, Rafa PikaPau, Bruno Delgado, Meraki Circus, Joseph Chee, John Dogobone, Gaëlle Cathelineau, Pierre Cie KL, Madera Em, Dai Zaobab, Lila Margaux, Albin Hedon, Martin Cerf, Juan Marmol, Dominique Abraham
Camera : Panasonic Gh4