JTV says_ A load of Bobbins! The annual spinny video event of the year is here from the worldwide DCA posse. Get a load of Arjan & Tijn's wobbly legs, trampette vertax passing and much more.... Happy Xmas, jugglers!
Einherjer_ 182 months
“I never noticed that slow mo button before. Of to double my reporoaire :D
Thanks the lot of ya!
Hopefullt i will contribute next year.”
Simalacrum_ 182 months
“absolutely stunning - beautiful, inspired, skilled and huge numbers of other awesome words I can't come up with describe this video. I'm honestly not suprised my clips didn't make it in after watching this :P”
Diaboflehavre_ 182 months
“diabolo.ca 2009 has succeeded at last!!!!
I wait really for this!!!!”
“Vancouver !!! Canada !!!”