_ I Call This Contact Juggling-Kyle Johnson
Damn WMG on Youtube. Long live Juggling.tv!
I posted this in support of the Contact Juggling community. I haven't made a pure contact video in a while and I thought it was necessary. Fushigi and its ridiculous marketing/business tactics have taken a lot away from the contact juggling community recently. Things like respect, respect for the fact that we spend years on this stuff. I personally have lots of hard work, study, creativity (i like to think so), and sometimes pain (see, hard work) into this activity. I know many others have too, and I don't like seeing my friend upset over this attempted re-branding and simplification of our art/whatever./nSo I just wanted to say I am not going to admit defeat to this B.S. I'm still going to progress and do what I like and so should everyone else. This is not the end of contact juggling./nArticle by Dube on the subject:http://www.dube.com/blog/?p=765/nPost by Ryan Mellors on the subject: http://www.contactjuggling.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2
“Keep on with the hard work :)”