
_ Mario

Mario avatar
Videos: 2
Followers: 13

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This one's going down well over at DCA. Sean says "Great stuff. Also love the behind the head elevator. The elevator-going-down start was cool too. Colour coordination, innovation, style, music, editing, filming. Yeah, it does have everything."

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diabolo video by me after 2 years of practicing diabolo

diabolos: Henrys Circus TK2 by Akrobat
sticks: Mr Babache Extreme
camera: Praktica DVC 10.1
Pirmasens Germany
  2011-04-24 04:00 9504

5_ they said...

adys.01 _ 163 months
“nice :)”
arlequino _ 165 months
“très bonne vidéo!!! tu est vachement fort comparé a moi!!! :)”
Arimane _ 166 months
“Nice done, for what I can understand of diabolo it's not only a nice vid, but there's a lot of stuff I've never seen around! Keep posting vids =)”
koolmagicguy _ 166 months
“Very nice. I'm not a diaboloist but this is a great video.”
GiS.M.O. _ 166 months
“Very nicely processed video to see it, do not do it first: D”

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