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Toast: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Rockville Re-bound


Rockville, Maryland. Pluses: Korean tofu house, apartment sculptures you can bounce juggle on, Second Story Books. Minus: It's nowhere in particular. Inspirations: Bouncing in Paris (DVD), Emile Carey Music: Astrud Gilberto "So Nice (Summer Samba)": The Best of Astrud Gilberto






Tricks With Hats: Thumb Spins


Thumb Spins - Spin the hat around your thumb Hold the hat in an inside grip and spin it so the top of the brim stays in contact with the thumb. After a single spin catch it again in an inside grip. Once you've mastered singles try longer spins. This trick is very versatile and can be used to add lots of flourishes. Try adding one in anywhere that you use an inside grip, or just throw one in with your hand outstretched or up above your head. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Wipe Up Arm Roll


This is a combination of parts of two other tricks, so it would probably help to learn them first. They are the Arm Roll and the Wipe Up Start with the hat on your head. With the right arm, do the first part of a wipe up, just to the point where the hat comes off your head. However, instead of carrying it out to the side, push the hat back on your head so that the bottom of the brim comes into contact with your shoulder blades. Use your upper arm to push the hat off and to the left, so that it can roll down your arm as though you were doing an Arm Roll, catching it in you hand as you do so One variation that Mike is fond of, is to grip the front part of the crown with the crook of the elbow. Mike claims this gives him more options, and more control over where the hat goes. Try it, it may work for you too!






Little Waves


Stuff I probably won't use elsewhere.






Tricks With Hats: Sweavo's Hatstand


The hatstand made its debut at chocfest 7, where I was compering. After a period of prototyping and refining, I built the version that worked. I demoed this a couple of times then it broke. I replaced the elastic and set it up for the big day, used it on stage and it worked, then broke next time I used it. Be prepared to spend significant tinkering time in between uses, and for frequent breakdowns. That said, it's never let me down when I've needed it. All in all I've found it a great way to get chicks[1], if you don't count the long evenings spent honing the design and strewing the house with geeky construction equipment, and the fact you'll be laughed out of most nightclubs if you go in wearing a topper. But on stage it works, and it has drawn admiring glances from fellow jugglers and even won us a bag full of croissants on one occasion. Sweavo, June 2003 [1] facts may vary From the TricksWithHats archive






iB cB sB: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sB)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Right One: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. This carry is performed as an over the shoulder move. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






sB iB cA: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iB cA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from B to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 3. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Gentle Romble: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Cascia: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cA sC iA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps -> M B: ps ss ps -> C C: ss ps ss -> A M: cA sC iA -> B The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cA": The manipulator (M) carries a club to A. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iA": The manipulator intercepts a pass from B to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. Juggled in memory of Aidan Burns by Nick Aikens, Jill Carson, Christian Kästner and Greg Phillips at the Not Quite Pittsburgh Juggling Festival, 9 November 2014.






Panto: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iA cB)


Panto, juggled by Graham, Joanne, Danny and Ed. Part of the Aidan Burns Project to juggle all 27 of his variations to the Scrambled V. Notation: __1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iA cB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the carried pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. This takes place while the juggler is walking on four count. 2. "iA": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from C to A. The juggler who was A is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads A's line. 3. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. We found it useful for the manipulator (who was the feeder for 1 and 2) to say 3 during the carry, for continuity. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. Panto gets it's name from the pass from A to B on beat 1, the club is quite close to the back of the manipulators head (He's behind you!).






5balls somewhere in England






7balls somewhere In England


Juggling 7balls somewhere in England 2012






Juggling convention somewhere in England


Can't remember the name of this convention, was quiet small I thing was close to Bristol






Ricky performing on the beach in turkey


It was the World Cup so they moved the show to the beach! Sand everywhere!!!






Collisions on Crosby


I've been working on collisions (as I like to call them) for about three years now. In essence it's when two (or more) balls hit each other. I've also been playing around with taps (where you tap the ball(s) with your hand); this video has most of the three ball tricks I've learnt. Filmed on Crosby Beach, near Liverpool in September 2014. Music is "Trick" by The Rainstick Orchestra






7 club passing sequence with coloured clubs


Alex and I do a sequence where the 3 green clubs are isolated in 4 different patterns. Start off with 7-club 3-count with the passes green. Then do 8677867 with the passes as green. Then 978 versus 972 with double passes as green. Then 551 popcorn (a2a67) versus 5 count popcorn with trelfs as green. Then back to 7 club 3-count. As they are all ground state, the first 2 switches just work, and doing: 966|7867867 for the first 7867867|978972 for the second preserves the colours. For the third, to keep the colours we did three transition throws: 978972|867|a66a7a6267 For the fourth transition, to keep the colours we did: a66a7a6267a66a7|b6266|966 I'd love to see similar ideas!






Switching between scrambled 3V and 3B long run


Starting off with the base pattern of rotating 2 count 4 count feed, we then add the maniuplators to do 3B (Brook in blue t-shirt the B maniuplator, Steve in black t-shirt the 3 manipulator). Every 30 beats you get back to the start, and so every 30 beats the B/V manipulator (Brook at this point) switches to the other pattern and the 5 people do around of 3B/3V. We do 3B/3V/3B/3V and then try to exit the pattern. Patterned invented by Aidan - see 'How to Steal From Your Friends' at http://www.juggle.me.uk/passing/ where 3,V,B and transitions between them are described. In Aidan Notation (X, Y, Z are the jugglers): X: Ps | Ps | Ps Y: Ps | ss | Ps Z: ss | Ps | ss 3: cZZ | sZX | iXY V: cXY | sYY | iXZ B: iXY | cYY | sYX I switch by doing the second column of the pattern I've arrived in (as manipulator) and then switching to the third column of the new pattern (and everyone responds accordingly).






Suit & Tie Ball juggling & devilsticking


3 Ball juggling and devilstick video I did to the song Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake. I played around with a few different editing things to give it an old school feel. Routine/flow starts around 55 seconds or so. Check out my smoothness until once again I have a silly drop. Check it out, leave comments, follow me here or on youtube @ GregoryGazzano…just look up the name. Oh Remember to not where a suit and tie on a hot day! LOL






Devilsticking in Portugal


July 2014 - I was invited to go to the Portugese juggling convention. I went there with Eljoh and we where planning on shooting another 'Devilsticking in'-video. Due to the great athmospere, extremely nice people, and the good weater we didn't get to that part. As a thanks to the organization of the convention I made an edit of my performance with music from the CD I got from them :)








Some recording of my circus trainning where I am mainly working on juggling and acrobacy https://www.youtube.com/user/Chilosp/videos






The Room of Time 3


Cinthia has recorded a video per year, since she began practicing juggling this is the last video of the room of time trilogy (based on dragon ball), showing in her performance the power of the room of time. She is a young juggler from the city of Torreon in Coahuila and for three years she has been training and she received Mr Popo's knowledge at Unicirclo Laguna. Specialized in balance techniques domain, The video it's recorded at Unicirclo Laguna a big and beautiful vintage house located downtown of the city; where time stops with walls filled of color and beautiful sight. Anybody in the world can come here to train and upgrade their level. In this video we can see ball and club in the head, a backcross addiction and we couldn't miss the unicycle her crew's representative logo.






BKA Outlink 2014 Trick #20


A rather fiendish number 20. Aeroplane > Lever Cradle > Straight Arm Half-Centrifuge & Reverse > Straight Arm Half-Centrifuge & Reverse, smoothly into 1-footed Pirouette > Grip change to Sara grip & swing to Big Cup > 6 Moshikame > [Robin Gunney's kendama + ball sequence] Deadline: April 27th, 18:00GMT Keyword: Power! (Showing the Lever Cradle in close-up to the camera is not required.) No grip changes or string adjustments are allowed (except where they are obviously part of the sequence). Smoothness of movement may be taken into consideration as a deciding factor (especially in the "extra ball" sequence).






Jack Bailie juggler


in september 2013 i started at circomedia bristol where i learned to juggle this is a combination of the things iv learnt so far






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