In questi giorni mi annoio, così ho deciso di fare un mini-video su alcune cosette che sto provando in questo periodo.Nulla di eccezionale, solo qualche piccolo trick ^.^
Spero vi piaccia XD
In these days I'm bored, so I decided to do a mini-video on some things that I'm experiencing in this period. Nothing of exceptional, alone some little tricks ^.^
I hope that you like it XD
"Neidert," of national fame, does stunts on his wheel that are simply wonderful. Makes his bicycle rear up, and rides around the stage on his back wheel; besides a lot of other easy things, such as riding on one pedal and riding backward, seated on handlebar. 1899
well... first there is this bit with the sound system to go with the name and to match then music then i do a three club trick where they balance on my arms and stuff then it goes to the thing with different clashes and short tricks to match the music then i do a 5 ball trick with back crosses and a spin around and more back crosses with numbers and x's and things then i do 4 club singles while having 2 clubs on the ground one on top of the other so that i can step on the fat end of one using it as a lever to flip the other one into my hand and go into a 5 club cascade... you know what, i don't really have time to write out a description so maybe you better just watch the video.