One of the best days of passing I've ever had was at the 2007 Berkeley Juggling & Unicycle festival. I met up with Jeff Napier, who introduced me to a guy named Jake. This is primarily passing six clubs in two-count with lots of multiplexes, bashes, bounces and unreasonable saves.
well... first there is this bit with the sound system to go with the name and to match then music then i do a three club trick where they balance on my arms and stuff then it goes to the thing with different clashes and short tricks to match the music then i do a 5 ball trick with back crosses and a spin around and more back crosses with numbers and x's and things then i do 4 club singles while having 2 clubs on the ground one on top of the other so that i can step on the fat end of one using it as a lever to flip the other one into my hand and go into a 5 club cascade... you know what, i don't really have time to write out a description so maybe you better just watch the video.
Date: July 9-14th, 2007.
Hosts: Richard Kohut, Dave McGaughty, Sky King, Laura Earnst, and Arash Farhang
Topics: Prop/Brand Choices, How Has The WJF Affected Juggling?, What Is It Like To Volunteer At The WJF?
Videos: Wes Peden - Mediocrity, Olexandra & Vladyslav Bondarenk - Solstrom