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15th Yo Down Show Down - 2019 Instagram Contest Promo


http://www.lukerenneryoyomagic.com/contest.html Yo Down Show Down Yo-Yo Contest 2019 (Instagram PSA) Promote the "Art of Yo" in the Four Corners during the 15th Annual Yo-Yo Contest at the E3 Children's Museum. (Farmington, New Mexico), registration will be at noon with the contest beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 29th. See String Theory in Action! The Yo Down Show Down will showcase the skills of some of our youngest museum patrons and is also open to all ages and skill levels. The contest is free to enter and is a bring your own yo-yo event. This event is sponsored by MagicYoYo and YoYoFactory. Info: [email protected].






4 handed siteswap tutorial


A short tutorial covering 4 handed siteswap./nThis was initially made as part of Lewis Kennedy's excellent jugglevision series.






Tricks with a Horizonal Throw






Lofi Body Rollin'


This video is the result of me exploring body throws with clubs for over a year. It includes the best club tricks I’ve come up with since my last club video, and most tricks include shoulder, arm and leg rolls. I’ve been exploring these concepts because I feel like they haven’t been explored enough and I highly recommend you to try them out! Finally, I put a substantial amount of time and exploration into this so I hope you enjoy the tricks and help me share this video. Enjoy! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/lucasadverse https://www.facebook.com/jugglingadverse Music: Sensi x [Slr] - The Maintenance EP (first, third and fourth tracks) https://soundcloud.com/lordsensi/the-maintenance-ep-slr-x-sensi [ bsd.u ] - hoodie weather https://soundcloud.com/bsdu/ Filmed in San Andrés Cholula, México Clubs: Long Delphins by Henrys






Four hands


Four handed siteswaps by Andreas and Giannis.






Zap Patterns by Cameron and Katie at TADAH


33 Patterns. All with at least one zap. All period seven. All with five clubs. All with two people. All for 6 rounds (where one round is 14 beats of the pattern globally). For our more playful video also filmed at TADAH see: https://youtu.be/-rO6grGcPis The list is written in four handed global siteswap notation: 1. 6662555 2. 6672752 3. 6672625 4. 7572662 5. 6752555 6. 7562555 7. 7572752 8. 7772255 9. 6782525 10. 7582562 11. 7862255 12. 8572625 13. 8672255 14. 6682562 15. 6852662 16. 6862652 17. 8552555 18. 8582525 19. 8852255 20. 8882225 21. 6692552 22. 6962527 23. 9962225 24. 9952262 25. 6929522 26. 9629252 27. 9269225 28. 7592552 29. 9527822 30. 9552662 31. 7a72252 32. a862225 33. 8279225 Special thanks: James for creating his siteswap spreadsheet from which we got our list. TADAH for having us to stay for long enough to learn and film so many patterns. Music: From the album 'Money, Blood and Light [LCL14]' by Plurabelle; licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.






Enrico Rastelli - four sticks


Enrico Rastelli juggling with four sticks






13th Yo Down Show Down  2017 TV PSA - Luke Renner


http://www.lukerenneryoyomagic.com/yodownshowdownyoyocontest.html Yo Down Show Down Yo-Yo Contest 2017 (:15 Second TV PSA) July 3 / Trick Session / Met Up at 1:30 - Contest 5:30 Promote the "Art of Yo" in the Four Corners during the 11th Annual Yo-Yo Contest at the Farmington Museum 3041. (Farmington, New Mexico), registration will be at 5:30 p.m. with the contest beginning at 5:45 p.m. outside the Farmington Museum during Freedom Days! See String Theory in Action! While enjoying the Farmington Museum Foundation Ice Cream Social, take a moment to cheer on the string slingers at the Farmington Museum. The Yo Down Show Down will showcase the skills of some of our youngest museum patrons and is also open to all ages and skill levels. The contest is free to enter and is a bring your own yo-yo event. This event is sponsored by MagicYoYo, Duncan Toys and YoYoFactory. Info: (505)599-1174 [email protected].






30 Tricks for a 30 Year Old


1. Tiny tablecloth pull 2. Six balls with a bounce 3. Knife & glass horizontal full flip 4. Seven ball twice around shower 5. Seven ball turning shower 6. Knife & glass balance cascade 7. 645 with a bounce 8. Nine ball cascade 9. Skipping rope shoulder bounce 10. Mizukumoi-no-kyoku 11. Crossed arm five 12. Bramson rolls under the leg 13. Bramson rolls with a flourish 14. Bounce with four balls and ring spin 15. Pyramid balance slide 16. Seven ball half shower 17. Headbounce reverse entry 18. Six into five with a bounce 19. Five with a bounce into six 20. Eleven double double (feat. Justin Sheldon) 21. (6x,4)* half overhead 22. Pool cue to cigar 23. Cigar to forehead 24. Forehead to cigar 25. 777111 variation with a bounce 26. Seven ball force cascade 27. Seven up pirouette 28. Headbounce skip cross 29. Oreo kick to face 30. Slide to mouth/n(31. 88441 with a bounce failure after failure after failure. Woof! Project for my 31st birthday...)/nFilmed at Cirque du Soleil "Totem" in Fukuoka, Japan (with special






Pirouettes go crazy


Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cA sA iA) The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 2. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from C to A. 3. "iA": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from B to A. The juggler who was A is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. We start the pattern with an unmanipulated pass on beat 1 and on beat 2 with sA. Once the pattern is running the sA happens while M stands close to the Feeder. It is still a substitution, but Feedee C really has to pass to M.






iC cA sA: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 2. "ca": The manipulator carries a club to A. 3. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from B to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






cB sA iC: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cB sA iC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 2. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from C to A. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






29 Tricks for a 29 Year Old


1. Skipping rope with a headbounce 2. Five club double balance 3. Bramson rolls 4. The plate and balls trick 5. Eight ring run 6. Tablecloth balance 7. Headbounce 5551 8. Bounce pedestal 9. ...with backcrosses 10. The ball skips the rope 11. Five ball lift on bottles 12. Cutaway 13. Pop to hips 14. Pop to feet 15. Balance to bounce 16. Bounce to balance 17. The pizza box trick 18. Overheads with a bounce 19. Bowl kicking 20. Four club scissors 21. The champagne bucket trick 22. ...dropped to foot 23. Seven club flash 24. Point to point to a thread 25. Shoulder bouncing 26. Salerno ring with a four ball shower 27. The teacup trick 28. Six rings with a bounce pedestal 29. Brunn style finish (with a color change)






World on a String


World on a String takes us into the world of competitive yo-yoing. Yo-yos are not just the nostalgic toys of a bygone era; they are equipment for competitive sport and intricate art. The film focuses on four players as they prepare for and take part in the World Yo-Yo Contest in America. It is a story of an close-knit underground community full of innovation, self expression, loss and friendship.






11th Yo Down Show Down  2015 TV PSA - Luke Renner


Yo Down Show Down Yo-Yo Contest 2015 (:15 Second TV PSA) July 3 / Trick Session / Met Up at 1:30 - Contest 5:30 Promote the "Art of Yo" in the Four Corners during the 11th Annual Yo-Yo Contest at the Farmington Museum 3041. (Farmington, New Mexico), registration will be at 5:30 p.m. with the contest beginning at 5:45 p.m. outside the Farmington Museum during Freedom Days! See String Theory in Action! While enjoying the Farmington Museum Foundation Ice Cream Social, take a moment to cheer on the string slingers at the Farmington Museum. The Yo Down Show Down will showcase the skills of some of our youngest museum patrons and is also open to all ages and skill levels. The contest is free to enter and is a bring your own yo-yo event. This event is sponsored by MagicYoYo, Duncan Toys and YoYoFactory. Info: (505)599-1174 [email protected].






chopped zig zag: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC sC iB)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. It´s easier for the manipulator tells AND 1 2 3 as the cC actually happens before count 1. also take a look at the original file: http://juggling.tv/15101






Andy's Headache: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 2. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Four Ball Training


Four Balls. Even throws inward and outward. Staggered throws inward and outward with a neck catch. Half Shower. Columns.






Wankel engine: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sC)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. 2. "cA": The manipulator substitutes a _pass_ from A to B. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a _self_ from C (to C). The passes _from_ the feeder are not manipulated, the feeder does only normal pass throws to B, C, B






zig zag: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC sC iB)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. It´s easier for the manipulator tells AND 1 2 3 as the cC actually happens before count 1. We find it much easier to start the pattern on count 2 and miss the cC in the first round. Wolfgang (blue t-shirts) moves different on iB. Just choose your favorite style.






Toast: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






iB cB sB: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sB)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Right One: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. This carry is performed as an over the shoulder move. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






sB iB cA: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iB cA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from B to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 3. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






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