C-Whip. This trick baffled me completely. So I went to the bare basics and looked at "Knees", the second book from The Void and Donald Grant. Coming from a ZERO juggling background, string tricks have eluded me for the past 6.5 years of playing Kendama. Until now....
New Flip HD! Started working on them properly today, after 5 million tries got some that almost looked right. Maybe make another in a month to see if theres any difference...doubtful. I'm going to learn the bastard though even if it kills me.
P.S They are not easy.
Filmed a practice session to see what it looked like... then decided to make a little video of it... and got carried away with the editing... Inspiration Sam (manip), Seb and Walid (mplx).
Filmed at Circomedia.
I met up with Alex for a juggling session. We both beat our 11 ball personal bests. Here's what happened at the end of the video: Basically Alex became the first person to juggle 11 balls with 23 catches. I saw the whole thing and it looked amazing (very clean). We thought we'd captured it with both our camcorders but unfortunately one camera wasn't recording and the other had fallen over and was pointing at the sky!
christian kloc and robert mosher III winning the duo bounce ball passing and then trying to get the world record.....they needed 68 catches to qualify it and get the world record....im not very good at counting it but it looked like they got roughly 47 or 48 at the 2008 International Juggling Association festival