_ Smash

Hey ya'll! This is just a short video I put together to accomplish a few things:
1. I wanted to announce my brand spakin new production "company" name, Closer Look Films! (wooo!)
2. I have been learning a ton of new stuff on Adobe After Effects, so this video showcases a few of them.
3. I just wanted to juggle, so enjoy da 3 ball!
Salt Lake City, UT - 2010 United States
  2010-07-16 00:22 4857

2_ they said...

Justindukes _ 165 months
“That was super rad! I dig it!”
Lara _ 166 months
“Thats cool, i like ;)”

_ download it

ENCODED FILE - iPod friendly version
640x360 - 29.97fps - mp4 - 2.94MB
Download Count: 1758
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