A treat to start off the new year with a smile. (But Taylor and Meagan didn't file this under Comedy, so they must really mean it - who doesn't want to be a juggler?)
TheOmnipotentJuggler_ 169 months
“Hey Bud! Yes some of it was filmed at Liberty Park (the singing scenes), the raps were filmed by my house. Hope to see you at juggling club one of these days!!”
RoyJoy_ 169 months
“Another hit. Thanx for the smiles. Was that Liberty park?
JugRESR_ 169 months
“DAMN!!! ¿How could someone don´t smile watching it?
I felt just HAPPY and INSPIRED
Thanks a lot!
Welld done by the way...
Love it too!”
“Haa!! I Like the 615 you did at 'A different siteswap every night'!”