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Fishtail Angel Roll


Watch the point where fishtail goes into the angel roll. It's just as you would be bringing the fishtail back to behind you. Bring your arm up to break the spin of the fishtail and push the staff into an angel roll.






Full Stevetrix


I can't do this move yet so here's a description from Tim: Bacisally this move is just a way of combining a full steve & a matrix into one move. As the staff rolls down the left arm you need it to roll so the centre is a couple of inches infront of the arm (too much and the staff will speed up, too little and the staff won't make it round). The staff then goes round the left shoulder, round the neck and rolls up the right arm. As the staff gets to the top you propeller round the right wrist then let it roll back down the right arm. This is where it gets hard (espcially if you want it to feel smooth). As the staff rolls down the right arm you need to roll it so the centre moves behind the arm then roll it round the right shoulder round the throat and back up the left arm. It's tempeting to bring the staff round the right arm before it gets to the shouder but it don't look as good and it doesn't have the same flow to it). In short the move goes 1/4 steve - 1/2 matrix - 1/2 steve -1/2 matrix - 1/4 steve enjoy






13th Yo Down Show Down  2017 TV PSA - Luke Renner


http://www.lukerenneryoyomagic.com/yodownshowdownyoyocontest.html Yo Down Show Down Yo-Yo Contest 2017 (:15 Second TV PSA) July 3 / Trick Session / Met Up at 1:30 - Contest 5:30 Promote the "Art of Yo" in the Four Corners during the 11th Annual Yo-Yo Contest at the Farmington Museum 3041. (Farmington, New Mexico), registration will be at 5:30 p.m. with the contest beginning at 5:45 p.m. outside the Farmington Museum during Freedom Days! See String Theory in Action! While enjoying the Farmington Museum Foundation Ice Cream Social, take a moment to cheer on the string slingers at the Farmington Museum. The Yo Down Show Down will showcase the skills of some of our youngest museum patrons and is also open to all ages and skill levels. The contest is free to enter and is a bring your own yo-yo event. This event is sponsored by MagicYoYo, Duncan Toys and YoYoFactory. Info: (505)599-1174 [email protected].






Neck Roll Armpit Catch


This was the first move i learnt, it bruised my shoulder for about 2 weeks learning it but it gave me a good understanding of how a staff behaves on my back. Do a neck roll fairly horizontally and when you can see the staff coming round in the corner of your eye, lean to the left and bring your right shoulder up and catch under your arm with your right hand. After you've got this move try a 1/4 steve.






Funland tricks presents: Triple Twist


We are two girls from Finland and we're here to bring you new flavor to your hoop dance! The idea is to show different level tricks in many angles. We won't be talking, because a.) we don't like tutorials with a lot of babbling ourselves, so we decided to do something different and b.) we would sound like idiots! ;) We welcome anyone to send us a trick of their own, please contact us at: [email protected] and be part of the Funland Trick team! You can also suggest a trick for us and we do our very best to make it true. Now, we do this only for fun and for the sake of sharing hoop luv, so please understand that it might take a while to answer to your message. We will answer to every single one though.Thank you for your patience! Enjoy the tricks, we will post a new one every sunday so remember to subscribe! Happy hooping! http://www.youtube.com/user/FunlandTricks?feature=watch/ https://moodforhoop.jux.com/ www.moodforhoop.fi http://www.tuliduo.fi/?page_id=84






Funland Tricks presents: Behind the back throw


We are two girls from Finland and we're here to bring you new flavor to your hoop dance! The idea is to show different level tricks in many angles. 
We won't be talking, because a.) we don't like tutorials with a lot of babbling ourselves, so we decided to do something different and b.) we would sound like idiots! ;)
 We welcome anyone to send us a trick of their own, please contact us at: [email protected] and be part of the Funland Trick team! You can also suggest a trick for us and we do our very best to make it true.
 Now, we do this only for fun and for the sake of sharing hoop luv, so please understand that it might take a while to answer to your message. We will answer to every single one though.
Thank you for your patience! Enjoy the tricks, we will post a new one every sunday so remember to subscribe! Happy hooping! http://www.youtube.com/user/FunlandTricks?feature=watch https://moodforhoop.jux.com/ www.moodforhoop.fi/ www.tuliduo.fi/






Elbow Wraps


This is a good move to start off with if you are new to contact. Do a hand wrap (roll it over the back of your hand) then bring your hand in towrds you and let the staff roll over your elbow. Leave it fairly late in the hand wrap to begin bringing your hand in.






Tatvte Concept Work: The Shadowsss


This is the concept of the new show of Tatvte "The Shadowsss" bringing siteswaps in a whole new dimension. Music: Four Tet - My Angel rocks Back & Forth Thanks for inspiration and coaching: Aaron aka "The Shadow" Thanks for letting us on stage: Evil Flames






Training Puzzle - Malabar Experimental - Cristian Castro/ Matheu


Edition: Matheu Lasso Bring a sample of the training in where we share ideas and possibilities ago recorded a few days ago! Two Jugglers, much love Juggling ! Christian Castro and me! Experimental Juggling in the house! Bogota Colombia. We hope you like ! Malabar Experimental Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/malabarexperimental/?fref=ts Twitter: @jugglingexp @instagram: malabarexperimental








Bring your arm round behind you and throw the staff into the front of your opposite shoulder at an angle. You can either stall it with your other shoulder or neck wrap it round to behind you.






Tricks With Hats: Upward twiddle (one hand)


Upward twiddle (one hand) - Twiddle the hat above the head. Grab the hat in a palm up fork grip. Lift the hat straight up, remove the ring fingers from the brim and twist the hat between the fore and middle fingers. Stop the spin by gripping the brim between the forefingers and thumb. Bring it straight back down to the head. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Foot flickup


At some point, your hat will end up on the floor and you'll want it back in your hand. You could just bend down and pick it up (boring!), use a normal foot to head (less boring, but relatively easy) or you could use this little move... (Far more studly way to kick a hat :-) Place the hat on the floor, to your left, crown downwards and the opening tilting slightly towards you. Point your right toe, and bring it behind your left leg. Place your right toe into the opening of the hat, and give it a quick upwards flick. With luck (and practice :-) you can make the hat jump up into your left hand. Top tip: If the hat isn't quite in the right position, you can use your right foot to move it around a bit before kicking. Bonus points: Do it without falling over about 20 times whilst filming the damn clip for your website...






TricksWithHats: Plates - Turnover


Hold the plate flat in your left hand, bring your right hand up and over the plate, cross your arms and put the heel of your right hand against the underside of the plate's rim. Bring your right hand up and turn it over so that plate ends up flat in the palm of your right hand. If you turn this round it becomes the Forward Turnover From the TricksWithHats archive






TricksWithHats: Plates - Two handed curl


Start with a normal right handed upward curl and as soon as the palm is facing forward at the top reach the left hand over and put it onto plate to the right of the right hand. Curl both hands round the front of the plate, which comes down in front of the belly, and then continue to bring the hands round to the back, pushing the plate back up to the left. Take the right hand off and do a left handed downward curl. From the TricksWithHats archive






TricksWithHats: Plates - Twistover


Start with plate flat on your right hand. Swing it in a full anti-clockwise circle, twisting your wrist over at the top so the plate finishes back in its original position with your shoulder and wrist twisted to support it. Reverse the move to unkink your arm. It's also possible to stop the plate at the top of the circle and bring it back down the way it came. From the TricksWithHats archive






Trick With Hats: Two handed tumble


Hold the hat with the crown to the outside in an outside grip. Bring it across the body, and cross the arms. Flick the hat over and drop it onto the thumb of the catching hand. Uncross the arms. The hat is now held in an outside grip in the other hand, which suggests that the tumble would be a good next move.






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