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Cascia: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cA sC iA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps -> M B: ps ss ps -> C C: ss ps ss -> A M: cA sC iA -> B The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cA": The manipulator (M) carries a club to A. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iA": The manipulator intercepts a pass from B to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. Juggled in memory of Aidan Burns by Nick Aikens, Jill Carson, Christian Kästner and Greg Phillips at the Not Quite Pittsburgh Juggling Festival, 9 November 2014.






Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iA cB)


Scrambled V variation 'The Unnameable' juggled by Mïark, Michael, Pascal and Staffan at PassOut 2014/15 in Someren, NL. __1__2__3 A: ps ps ps -> B B: ps ss ps -> C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iA cB -> M (In Aidan's original notation: 312: cB sA iC) Music: Caravan Palace: "Jolie Coquine" Video: Pascal Häring






Unscrambled LB: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iA cC sB)


Unscrambled LB, by Aidee Castro, Steve Healy, Rhonda and Will Murray (Long Beach, 2014). Part of the Aidan Burns Project to juggle all 27 of his Scrambled V variations. Special thanks to Steve Gerdes. Notation: __1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iA cC sB -> M The feeder is A and the feedees are B (on A's left) and C. The feeder counts 1 2 3. On 1 and 3, A and B exchange a pass. On 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, B catches the pass and walks over by A, rotating the positions. 1. "iA": The manipulator M intercepts a pass from B to A. The juggler who was A becomes the manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads A's line. 2. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 3. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B (catches the pass and hands in a different club). Then all the jugglers are re-labeled (but not the manipulator) and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. Here, Rhonda starts manipulating at beat 3 above.






chopped zig zag: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC sC iB)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. It´s easier for the manipulator tells AND 1 2 3 as the cC actually happens before count 1. also take a look at the original file: http://juggling.tv/15101






Ambled 3V - Unicorn Charge!


The Ambled 3V, a.k.a., Unicorn Charge! Performed by Keith Campbell, Ingrid Johnson, Will Murray, Britt Tyler, and Staffan Ulfberg in July 2017./nThe Scrambled 3V is a combination of Aidan Burns's Scrambled 3 and Scrambled V patterns to make a five-person, two-manipulator pattern. In the Ambled version, we add an extra club (12 in total) and make all the passes doubles so it takes place on a 10-club doubles feed. /nIn the Ambled 3, the manipulator (M) substitutes a pass from the right feedee (C) to the feeder (A). But *before* delivering that club to A, M must steal another club from A. (This is the same set of steals as in the Scrambled 3, but in the Scrambled 3 you don't have the time travel problem.) So M must actually juggle for one beat! /nWhen we filmed this, Ingrid and Britt were wearing matching unicorn t-shirts, so when they charged together they made unicorn horns. This is how the pattern shall forever henceforth be performed.






Pirouettes go crazy


Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cA sA iA) The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 2. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from C to A. 3. "iA": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from B to A. The juggler who was A is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. We start the pattern with an unmanipulated pass on beat 1 and on beat 2 with sA. Once the pattern is running the sA happens while M stands close to the Feeder. It is still a substitution, but Feedee C really has to pass to M.






Wechselzeug: Scrambled V 2004


Probably the first video of the pattern now known as the Scrambled V - we hadn't told anyone else about this discovery yet. This video was shot just 10m from the group photo taken at a convention in 2007 and 2008. Filmed on a hot Saturday in August (2004-08-07, 13:52) in a gym in Hilden, Germany.






Scrambled AV


Scrambled AV juggled at the Australian Passing Convention in Canberra 2016./nCombination scramble pattern of "Aidan" cAsAiA and "Scrambled V" cBsBiC./nJugglers: Dale, Danni, Adrian, Liz, Nick






Scrambled Aidan


Scrambled Aidan cAsAiA juggled at the Melbourne Juggling Convention 2016./nJugglers: Nick, Liz, Shane, Danni






Scrambled B with Ivy EJC2016


Scrambled B with Ivy (iBcBsA with iAcCsC) juggled at the 2016 EJC in Almere, The Netherlands./nJugglers: Michael, Shane, Liz, Danni, Dale






Unscrambled B


Unscrambled B juggled in Melbourne./nJugglers: Rachael, Nick, Adrian, Liz






_ Aidan Burns Scrambled V variation 'WUST'


Scrambled V variation 'The Unnameable' juggled by Wolfgang, Uwe, Steffi and Thomas at PassOut 2014/15 in Someren, NL. 3 1 2 A: ps ps ss -> B B: ps ss ps -> C C: ss ps ps -> A M: cA sB iA -> M (In Aidan's original notation: 312: cA sB iA) Music: Can't Hold It Back (How it is) by Admiral Bob






CatchUp: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC	sB	iB)


1 2 3 A: ps ps ps B: ps ss ps C: ss ps ss Ed notation: cC sB iB Juggled in memory of Aidan Burns by CatchUp (Menno Hoeksema, Mark-Jan van der Meulen, Johan Smits & Tom van den Berg) Enschede, the 12th of November






Scrambled sBiBcA


Scrambled sBiBcA juggled at Jugglelab in Melbourne, Australia./nJugglers: Dale, Danni, Nick, Liz.






Panto: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iA cB)


Panto, juggled by Graham, Joanne, Danny and Ed. Part of the Aidan Burns Project to juggle all 27 of his variations to the Scrambled V. Notation: __1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iA cB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the carried pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. This takes place while the juggler is walking on four count. 2. "iA": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from C to A. The juggler who was A is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads A's line. 3. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. We found it useful for the manipulator (who was the feeder for 1 and 2) to say 3 during the carry, for continuity. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. Panto gets it's name from the pass from A to B on beat 1, the club is quite close to the back of the manipulators head (He's behind you!).






Saibca: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sA iB cA)


Saibca, by Christian Helbling, Rhonda and Will Murray, and Michael Rees (Someren, 2014). Part of the Aidan Burns Project to juggle all 27 of his Scrambled V variations. Notation: __1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sA iB cA -> M The feeder is A and the feedees are B (on A's left) and C. The feeder counts 1 2 3. On 1 and 3, A and B exchange a pass. On 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, B catches the pass and walks over by A, rotating the positions. 1. "sA": The manipulator (M) substitutes a pass from B to A (catches the pass and replaces it with a different club). 2. "iB": The manipulator intercepts B's self. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads B's line. 3. "cA": The manipulator carries two clubs over and hands one to A. Then all the jugglers are re-labeled (but not the manipulator) and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Aidan Burns Scrambled V variation '3'


Scrambled V variation '3' juggled by Christian, Michael, Mark-Jan and Juli at PassOut 2014-2015 in Someren, NL. 1 2 3 A: ps ps ps B: ps ss ps C: ss ps ss cC sA iB Music: RiGNA FOLK - Criminal Part 1






Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation 312:cBsCiC


Part of the Aidan Burns Project to juggle all 27 of his variations to the Scrambled V./nJuggled by Becky, Christoph, Iain, and Michael./nApologies for the poor video quality.






Toast: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Andy's Headache: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 2. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






iB cB sB: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sB)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Gentle Romble: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






zig zag: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC sC iB)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. It´s easier for the manipulator tells AND 1 2 3 as the cC actually happens before count 1. We find it much easier to start the pattern on count 2 and miss the cC in the first round. Wolfgang (blue t-shirts) moves different on iB. Just choose your favorite style.






Right One: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. This carry is performed as an over the shoulder move. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Around the World Scrambled V Variation


A Scrambled V variation. iA cC sA. Juggled at the MCJAF (monash club of juggling and firetwirling) camp by Nick, Lisa, Iain and Adrian






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