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Backcrosses for Christmas


I practised single backcrosses for quite a while now and there was a request concerning the next song in my next juggling video :P So, here you can see my current 3 club single backcross record which is sth between 60 and 70 catches =)






Poi Whip Catch tutorial with Jordan


This is my first submission for the 2011 IJA Video Tutorial Contest. Most jugglers think that poi spinners are smelly freaks who go to the desert to listen to trance music, but hopefully after watching this you will also see that those of us who choose to can create some quite difficult and technical tricks. /nIf you like my video please vote for it at www.juggle.org between April 1st and 4th. Thanks!






Andy's Headache: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 2. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Toast: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sB iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






iB cB sB: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sB)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Haymaker Yo-Yo Trick - Luke Renner


Haymaker Yo-Yo Trick -Luke Renner. A trick that is fun to perform and features various catches. The Haymaker requires a non-responsive yo-yo. The yo-yo used by Luke Renner is the MagicYoYo N8. Special Thanks to MagicYoYo in Shenzen! String is 50/50 slick string courtesy of Shannon Jackson. Filmed outside in Northwest New Mexico in August 2012. The outside wind speed when the trick was filmed was around 6mph from the NW. The Haymaker is much easier to perform indoors without the wind factor. Music courtesy of Stuart and the Juice Tigers.






9 balls - 26 catches






Gentle Romble: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 2. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






zig zag: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cC sC iB)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. 2. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to C. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. It´s easier for the manipulator tells AND 1 2 3 as the cC actually happens before count 1. We find it much easier to start the pattern on count 2 and miss the cC in the first round. Wolfgang (blue t-shirts) moves different on iB. Just choose your favorite style.






Right One: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sC iC cC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a self from C to C. 2. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 3. "cC": The manipulator carries a club to C. This carry is performed as an over the shoulder move. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






8 ball bounce 300+ catches


I've been putting a lot of focus into my 8 ball pattern and it's taking off! Hopefully I can get a world record run on camera soon.






catching bottle and cup with whips


wrapping a bottle and a cup with a whip and pulling it to the hand






Continuous Antispun Conveyor Belt


These are a nice varient of conveyor belts. First learn to do continuous. When the staff is falling off your last elbow, raise that elbow and bring your other elbow underneath to catch it by sort of hugging yourself. Give the staff a bit of a pop as it comes off so as to give yourself a little more time to catch it. When you've got that add the antispin by moving each point of the move to the antispin points (watch the video).






Tricks With Hats: Full arm roll (backhand release)


Full arm roll (backhand release) - Roll the hat from hand to hand along outstretched arms Hold the hat with the crown back in an inside grip in your outstretched right hand. Flick the hat so that it spins up out of the back of your hand onto the arm and rolls across the back of the neck (make sure the head is ducked forward out of the way) and down the other arm. As the hat reaches the other wrist bend the hand up and catch it in a inside grip. Make sure the arms are sloped so that the hat is always rolling "downhill", and practice, practice, practice - this is a difficult trick. From the TricksWithHats archive






Endless Combo #105 Fork Catch - Sara Grip > FH Aeroplane


Endless Combo #105 Single Handed Fork Catch - Sara Grip > Fast Hand Aeroplane for the kendama forum.






Wankel engine: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sC)


The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts the pass from A to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. 2. "cA": The manipulator substitutes a _pass_ from A to B. 3. "sC": The manipulator substitutes a _self_ from C (to C). The passes _from_ the feeder are not manipulated, the feeder does only normal pass throws to B, C, B






Tricks With Hats: The Shuffle


The Shuffle - Another three hat juggling trick - this time it's the half shower This is a variation of a jugglers' trick called the Half Shower. Start with one hat on the head, and one in each hand, held in an outside grip. Throw one hat across the body, flat, with no spin. As soon as you've let go of this hat, take off the one on your head with your now-empty hand. The other hand slaps/places its hat onto the head, just in the nick of time to then catch the first (thrown) hat. You should now be back where you started. The timing is a little odd for this one, but just remember "Throw.... take....place....catch", and you'll get it. From the TricksWithHats archive






Dolby 7.1 Tutorial


Dolby 7.1 is the latest in the series of patterns that have manipulation similar to the classic Dolby Söround http://juggling.tv/1742 In this new pattern, we add a club to the Dolby 5.1 pattern, first shown http://juggling.tv/16656 Dolby 5.1, Dolby 5.2 and Dolby 7.1 were all composed together as a set. Seeing as Dolby 7.1 is another step up in the difficulty of manipulator patterns I've not gone with a standard pattern video, but instead added some training patterns - like a workshop. Workshop tips: 1. Keep the tempo slow when you are throwing the heffs - you are controlling the pattern speed. 2. The manipulation needs to be a little faster than you might do it in Dolby 5.1, as the tempo is set by the dwell+height of the heffs. Slow manipulation can introduce timing problems for catching the 4p4p. 3. Heffs (4) and double passes (4p) must be the same height in order to keep good timing. 4. The pattern is synchronous.






Tricks With Hats: Three Hat Cascade - Ring Style


Three Hat Cascade - Ring Style - Juggling 3 hats in a cascade, throwing them as you would rings. 1. Learn to juggle 3 balls. See the IJDb tutorials page. Sorry non-jugglers, but it'll help a lot. 2. Throw each hat with a flick of the wrist to give it some stabilising spin. Catch the hats palm-upwards, in an inside grip. Rotate the wrist inwards 180 degrees before the next throw.






IJA Video Tutorial Contest - Movement throws (and catches!)






9b qualify


[2006] Doug Sayers 9ball qualify at Madfest - 24 catches.






sB iB cA: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (sB iB cA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: sC iC cC -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "sB": The manipulator substitutes a pass from A to B. 2. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the self from B to B. The juggler who was B is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads B's line. 3. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Thomas Dietz Neck Catch


Thomas Dietz learns a neck catch...






7 ring juggling for appr. 150 catches


Niels Duinker juggles 7 rings. Music: Arthur Stead






Elbow Fishtails


These can be done forwards and backwards. They arn't true elbow fishtails because there is only one beat of a fishtail at a time with other beats put in to get positioning. If anyone manages complete continuous elbow fishtails please let me know and i'll stick a vid up cos they are DAMN hard. The tricky bit of this move is getting your elbow across 180 fast enough to catch the fishtail but not so fast the staff flys off your elbow. (See also Reverse Elbow Fishtails)






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