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Juggling ball tracking


A couple of weeks ago I filmed Ewan juggling three stage balls at the Durham Juggling Convention. Using my editing software I then tracked each ball individually to highlight the movement of the balls and the patterns they make. The results were very interesting. Check them out. I'd love to hear you comments on this video and any suggestions on how i can develop the idea in the future. I am planning to film more interesting patterns with more objects but i thought three would be enough for now. I'll also film it using more light so i can film at 1/200 or 1/500 exposure instead of 1/100 so the balls don't blur. Any way, I hope you enjoyed it.






Gautier Tritschler one 12-19 Free / Visual Juggling 1.0


www.visualjuggling.com The second of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Visual Juggling 1.0 - Cyrille Humen - 2-3 Balls Part 6-19


The first of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reflexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between tech and flow. Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Definition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Jerome Le Berre 15-19 Free / Visual juggling 1.0


The seventh of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0/n« Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground./nBuy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Visual Juggling 2.0 Promo 2013


« Visual Juggling Project 2.0»«2013»/nis still a succession of suggestions on object motions and body languages (same but different). After a welcomed first opus, this international collaboration moves a good step beyond and is proud to share with you its last upgrade: A gathering of 27 jugglers & manipulators from all over the world, graphing Time with balls, clubs, rings, diabolos, poïs, hoops and even footbags! Enter the playground and enjoy a new round of Hi Quality videos: A 100 minutes of « Flow » clips coupled with a 40 minutes of « Tech » tutorials./nThis is a pay for download product./nPrice: 20 Euros Length : 135 minutes Size: 6.7 GB (includes 37 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Carlos Muñoz Club 4-19 Free / Visual juggling 1.0


www.visualjuggling.com/ The Fouth of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product.






Mastering the Flash -- IJA Video Tutorial Contest


This video is a tutorial esource for juggler’s interested in numbers juggling, specifically, flashing high numbers. Please leave suggestions and comments here on the video or email them to [email protected]/nJOIN THE IJA, THEY DO AMAZING STUFF! http://www.juggle.org//nARTICLES WORTH READING:/n“Boppo’s Number’s Notes” http://www.juggling.org/help/essays/boppo.html/n“32 Tips on flashing high numbers” https://web.archive.org/web/20071218170216/http://www.jugglingdb.com/compendium/skills/training umbers/flashing.html/n“The Human Limits” http://www.juggling.org/papers/limits//nPROPS:/nDrop Props – Made by my friend Sarah, they are durable, light and amazing for 8-10. I use the 2.25” underfilled bags http://www.dropprops.com//nGballz -- Gregory has always supplied me with excellent props, all have lasted many years of hard usage, well worth the cost: http://www.thegballzfactory.ashop.me/






Advice on Not Juggling - Video Response


Suppose, for the sake of argument, that I received a video of someone's act and was asked to give advice and suggestions on it. This is my response






This is how I roll (4bmm)


4 ball mills mess for 3:30 Am I doing this well? Do you have any suggestions how to improve it? I can't figure out why I always end up dropping it.
mills - mess - 4 - ball






Visual Juggling Trailer 1


www.visualjuggling.com Visual Juggling Project is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reflexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between tech and flow. This 80 Minutes Hi Definition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that unexplored playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: mp4 (HD)






Endika Salazar 11-19 Free - Visual Juggling 1.0


www.visualjuggling.com/nThe third of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0/n« Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground./nBuy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Visual Juggling Promo


visual juggling cyrille humen metlili metlilimout contact poi antispin carlos DVD HD






Cyrille Humen Green Poi 7-19 Free


The seventh of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Aaron Tobiass / Visual Juggling FREE / www.Metlili.net (1 to 38)


s still a succession of suggestions on object motions and body languages (same but different). After a welcomed first opus, this international collaboration moves a good step beyond and is proud to share with you its last upgrade: A gathering of 27 jugglers & manipulators from all over the world, graphing Time with balls, clubs, rings, diabolos, poïs, hoops and even footbags! Enter the playground and enjoy a new round of Hi Quality videos: A 100 minutes of « Flow » clips coupled with a 40 minutes of « Tech » tutorials./nThis is a pay for download product./nPrice: 16 Euros Length : 135 minutes Size: 6.7 GB (includes 38 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Arto of Movement


here is a little routine we put this together for the school talent show Art of Movement is made of me and 2 of my friends combining diabolo, popping, and breaking vid is from the rehearsal because the vid from the actual show didn’t turn out so well but it was more or less the same bit low quality and yeah.. i messed up a few times at the end =/ but oh well pls give me some comments and suggestions






clubs holder


something i'm trying to do with this idea that i had.Any suggestions and tips welcome!






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