JTV says_ A wall, a sofa, some balls, and a little bit of style. Some jaded jugglers might say this is "nothing special", but a little character can go a long way. Let's wait and see where Peppy ends up....
weld_ 176 months
“You've got a great style, very clean juggling!”
Tucetkulí!_ 176 months
“It seems to me a bit mechanical juggling. You are juggling tricks instead of fluid stream of movements. And you using just your hands, you should juggle with legs, head and whole body if you want to juggle according to the music. Just try dance on the music first without balls.”
PePPy_ 176 months
“thanks man :) the song is "All the Right Moves" by One Republic. and i do really appreciate all the comments, they mean alot =)”
maxmaestro_ 176 months
“great juggling really good video it goes well with the music =) whats the song??”
seawan_ 176 months
“soo what if your not that good everyone caught up trying to create the newest thing its just great to have a break from all that and have some nice clean stuff for once”
Manuel_ 177 months
“Ich bin begeistert. Meine Videos sehen längst nicht so locker aus. Weiter so, und vielleicht noch ein paar mehr Videos.”
PePPy_ 177 months
“thanks for all the comments, really appreciate them :) Im not that experienced yet but I'll keep practicing and u can expect bigger and better things in the future =)”
slapcracknpopher_ 177 months
“You are so talented cous! Love it! I wanna see the one that you were talking about before with the camera above you...that'll be sa-weet! Love ya!
KnI_It_ 177 months
“nice stuff man and a great style :P”
jouzu_ 177 months
“you have the potential to become a great juggler. the video was a good entry and already shows a lot of talent! keep on :)”
bluesilver_ 177 months
“Nice Nice =)
Please more, its wonderfull”
PatrickWohlmut_ 177 months
“Nice work. Post more, please.”
“You've got a great style, very clean juggling!”