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3 ball and video


Luke Burrage performing his 3 ball and video projection routine at the Berlin Juggling Convention 2005. He cut his head open just minutes before stepping out on stage, performed this routine with blood dripping into his eye, and passed out later that night.







http://www.michaelkaras.net/store.html I'm so excited to announce that a little over 5 years after its December 2004 release date, Luftgarten, my first full-length (31 minute) juggling film is available again for all of you who missed it the first time around. It's an instant $5 download and all sales go towards finishing my current project (already 40 minutes long and still going) which has two small teasers on my channel already. I'm very proud of Luftgarten and am glad to be able to offer it again, without all the hassle of shipping costs and post office trips. I hope you all take the opportunity to download it because once it goes this time, it's going into the VAULT Disney-style. Seven sections on this film and two fun surprises. Intro, Balls, Rolling, Kickups, Rings, Clubs, and "Hard Stuff". Add to that "Dance Dance Revolution" and "2 Ring Torture" and you've got yourself a Michael Karas classic. Or should I say "klassic"? Thanks again for all your support! ~Michael Karas






Counting Escalator Steps


LINKS: TITLE: Counting Escalator Steps IDEA: Stale bread boring and i never want my juggling to be a synonym for it. So i am trying to use what i find in juggling quickly and get on to the next thing to keep it interesting for me and other juggling enthusiasts. So i felt like i needed to make this video so the juggling didn't get forgotten and lost. (see PROCESS from more pretentiousness) HOW TO: For best results view film in full screen in a dark room with sound canceling headphones at least 2 hours after eating and no more than 15 minutes after reading fiction. Feet should be flat on the floor, palms down, and head 70 cm from the screen(assuming you are viewing this on a computer). CREDITS : http://www.k8malabares.com http://www.wespeden.com http://www.mum.is special thanks to K8 for the POP clubs! PROCESS: there is not enough room to write this here but you can read it in the info of this same video on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/wespeden






Imperfect Cirquel


***Winner of the WJVF 2007 awards ** Finally, after 3 months workin on this project, IMPERFECT CIRQUEL video is ready. Thanks to the collaboration of 9 jugglers all over italy, and the help of Giulio Ferrarella for editing, now we can put online two versions of this video. Video runs for 18 minutes, more than 100 tricks and sequences.






Synthetic- Trailer- Wes Peden video


45 minutes of juggling! 25 minutes of bonus tricks!! Available now for 15€ http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Synthetic is a film displaying the new work of Wes Peden. The material was inspired, in a concrete way, by the strength of each prop and how to best take advantage of these qualities. The general aesthetic of the juggling was particularly influences by asymmetry, clarity, and trick shape. The video is 45 minutes long and comes with an additional 25 minutes of bonus tricks and remixes. inside you will find 3 club slapping sequences, the coolest 5 ball pirouette Wes has ever done, 25 new ring patterns, a German 6 ball piece, 3 balls and a sweater, THE THROWING AWAY SECTION, the holy club/cuphead/ball part, site specific head rolls, flipping forehead balances, the 2012 five club routine, and so very much many more! This is a pay for download product. Grab it here! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Prop Sponsors http://www.henrys-online.de/ http://www.sportjugglingco.com/ http://www.renegadejuggli






Colaboración Diábolo 2011 Circoforum


One more year we bring you our Collaboration Video. Spanish diabolo players from all around the country and even abroad team up for an almost 10 minutes video. This year we pay tribute to Kukutza III (in Bilbao), an occupied cultural center that has been providing a mixed and wide cultural alternative for many years in a working-class neighbourhood. It's been evicted and next demolished in September 2011. http://kukutza.blogspot.com/ We also want to dedicate this to all the people suffering the consequences of a crisis and the ones taking the streets to protest. Don't give up; we can. Thanks to all the diabolo players involved, and especially to our editor, Blonfu, for his hard work. :) This is our 4th diabolo project, check the ones from 2006, 2009 and 2010 too!






Aaron DeWitt: a short juggling film by Norbi Whitney


I have always been disappointed with the average amount of care which goes into juggling videos, compared to those of the acrobatic or extreme sports communities. I present to you my first ever HD juggling film project. Shot entirely with a Canon T2i, at 720p and 60fps. Filmed during just 30 minutes on a cold December morning. Edited using Final Cut Pro and Motion Directed, filmed and edited by Norbi Whitney Starring Aaron DeWitt Music: "Another Wave from You" and "New Map" by M83 Also available at: http://vimeo.com/33137753 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-dQw1XorLQ






Peden Tricks Sweden


a trailer for my new video. it's 20 minutes long and available now for 5 euros at www.wespeden.com






Rings 3


over 12 minutes of modern technical ring juggling






Things to do with 441


Eight minutes of 441 variations. Balls only. With an original soundtrack.






Plaid (New Wes Peden Film)


Plaid is a collection of juggling inventions and compositions made from the love of weird catches and style conscious throws. The film covers many controversial topics such as flipping, up catching, under the leg and backcross desegregation in relation to five club juggling, and what exactly the edition of purple handles has on modern 3 club juggling. Title: Plaid Creator: Wes Peden File size: 384 MB Length: 30 minutes Bonus: 18 minutes of B-side material! Price: $12 You can check out the content and buy the video at http://www.wespeden.com






3 ball, special, and contact juggling after 10 months


Although so many things went wrong, I still think this turned out rather well. In the 3 ball part, I went 2 minutes and 40 seconds without a drop, which is good because when I did drop it, I was done anyway. And try to ignore the hiss, I couldn't get rid of it, but I think later on it just went away. I did something special for part 2, I won't spoil it, but it sucked getting that right, and it still wasn't as good as I had hoped. Yes I shook the camera and didn't realize it, but after that it went alright. although my hand was in the way for one of the tricks, (hint, inside elbow stall, then again rolling it to the fingers). Contact juggling, for the first 2 parts I was standing on some cloths because of the squeaky floorboard I was on. In this part I decided to take them away so I can stand level on the floor....and you can hear the results. If you can get past the floorboard, then I did pretty good....in the beginning. It's weird, I purposely put the hard tricks in the beginning so if I kept messing up






Throw Joy - Wes Peden - Trailer


Check out the full video on my website! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Throw Joy is 53 minutes of sledgehammer hitting ice-cream cake. The result of 561 days spent making 6 clubs tricks, strapping cameras to trees, and filling 8 juggling notebooks with questionable ideas. The video not only includes the most hardcore juggling Wes has ever done with balls, clubs, and rings but keyboards, chairs, tripods, paintings, and wine bottles are also recklessly thrown skyward. After 24 years on earth and 19 years of juggling, Wes finally has the freedom to make a hula hoop out of clubs! Bon appetite! Throw Joy contents: -BVLLS! -Catching chair with head -Wes' best 3 club trick -You've never seen 7 like this -New 6 club tricks -The death of ring juggling -5 clubs #€%& -Please clean the room -Stilts - P's - 9's - Snowmen! - T's - Giant Tricks (incudes 5 bouquet backcrosses)/nPrice: 15 Euros Length: 53 minutes (main feature) 30 minutes (Extras) Size: 3.9 GB (main feature) 1.9 GB (extras)






Tim Kelly, 3 balls


From Juggler.com/video Tim Kelly shows 8 minutes of 3 ball variations
tim - kelly - 3 - balls






Water on Mars (Trailer) Tony Pezzo Patrik Elmnert Wes Peden


Download full 45 minute video plus 25 minute bonus here! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Water on Mars is a compilation sequence by jugglers Tony Pezzo, Patrik Elmnert, and Wes Peden. The video presents routines, patterns, and tricks the 3 have been developing for the past 3 years. The project was motivated by good tricks, good angles, and the possibilities for prop transitions when you have extremely competent assistants. The video contains 81 new patterns, the 5 club diamond lock, an upside down albert triplex, an 11 club pirouette, the best 5 ring routine alive, and synchronized 7 clubs. Main feature: 45 minutes Bonus Live show video: 25 minutes Price: 15€ File format .MOV File size. 2.6 GB/nSong in trailer:Riot Rhythm by Sleigh Bells






Shoebox Tour America 2011 (trailer) Jay Gilligan Wes Peden


Swedish pants, Danish shirts, and bow tires make in Ohio are twisted and thrown around by the jugglers who inhabit them. Jay Gilligan and Wes Peden perform the duet Shoebox show with stacks of rings folding over shoulders onto unsuspecting wrists, a jumping golden frame, instant prop stands in living action, condemned graffiti covered buildings, and 5 club revers spins. /nFilm length: 45 minutes Price: 10$ Size 1.6 GB Format: (dot)MOV http://www.wespeden.com








Plaid is a collection of juggling inventions and compositions made from the love of weird catches and style conscious throws. The film covers many controversial topics such as flipping, up catching, under the leg and backcross desegregation in relation to five club juggling, and what exactly the edition of purple handles has on modern 3 club juggling. Title: Plaid Creator: Wes Peden File size: 384 MB Length: 30 minutes Bonus: 18 minutes of B-side material! Price: $12 You can check out the content and buy the video at www.wespeden.com music in this trailer: Natural Self original trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHSj5f...






Ivan Pecel and Charles Peachock - with special guest: Howie!


Charles Peachock and Ivan Pecel filmed for about 30 minutes and got some stuff. Filmed in Las Vegas on Feb 20, 2009






DaveKelly 7-8


Over a hundred 3 balls tricks crammed into 7 minutes, edited thankfully by Dave Stevens.






Gautier Tritschler one 12-19 Free / Visual Juggling 1.0


www.visualjuggling.com The second of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between « tech » & « flow ». Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Denition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






3 Minutes with Ben Caton


3 Minutes of integral improvisation. Many repeats, only two mistakes. I know its boring, but do try to enjoy it.






More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2 - Instant Prop Stand


buy the full video from http://www.wespeden.com Price: $10 Length: 22:47 File Size: 516MB/nManipulation Research Laboratory presents: More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2- Instant Prop Stand How many times has this ever happened to you? #1. You forget to bring your prop stand and leave it at home! #2. The airline loses your luggage... again! Well look no further, because this video will show you how to execute a professional performance every time, EVEN WITHOUT A PROP STAND! Techniques included on the video demonstrate how to impress a client and nail that gig if your prop stand goes missing. These handy tricks will justify having your props lying on the floor all over the stage. No longer will you have to worry about looking unprofessional as you bend over each time to pick stuff up for your next routine. Transform any stage into a fun working environment with over 20 minutes of sure-fire gold, only available on this download offer today!/nPerformed by: Wesley Jefferson Peden & Jay Nathan Gilligan






Happy Oree Friends - Pretty Trippy Party trailer


A full length collaboration film featuring mostly Israeli and non Israeli jugglers and performers. The dream like story takes the viewer from the carpentry where Ori himself was created by his father to a surrealistic journey. While traveling in his own mind using his imagination Ori meets several bizarre characters, each one master a different Juggling prop. It took a year and a half to create the film which was shot in Israel, Italy, Spain and Europe. P.T.P combines original editing style, Psychedelic animation and soundtrack. The plot is not laniary and hazy at times which gives a sense of confusion and fantasy. The film is highly recommended to those who appreciate visual art, music and Juggling. Participants (A-Z): Aaron Tobiass, Ayal Benin, Bar Mualem, Boaz Nir-Shallom, Daniel Bareket, Dekel Azulay, Edgar Groll, Lorenzo Mastropietro, Neta Oren, Noam Geller, Ori Roth, Pavel Evsukevich, Ron Beeri, Tavo Del Prato, Uri Zelig, Yaniv Eliash, Yuval Roth. 55:19 minutes, WMV/MP4 PAL 805/820 MB, 12 euros






Visual Juggling 1.0 - Cyrille Humen - 2-3 Balls Part 6-19


The first of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reflexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between tech and flow. Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Definition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Toss Juggling After 17 Months (rings for 2 months)


I REALLY hate wind. I seriously gave up on this video after I had about 30 minutes of footage but only 10 seconds of tricks, because the rest of the footage was of me waiting for the wind to die down so I can continue. I put my rings in the car then headed to a new area to do the contact juggling video. Then I found out the new area is blocked off with trees so there was barely any wind. So I went back and grabbed my rings and shot most of this video down there./nI always forget something, last month I forgot those behind the back catches, this month I forgot some multiplex 4 ring starting tricks. I should write down all the tricks I have to do before I head out.../nAs for this video, I like how it came out besides the choppiness when I do 4 and 5 rings./nThe song is Coming Undone by Korn.






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