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Peden to Sweden (Full Video)


This is a video i made to make money so i could go to circus school. huge thanks to all the people that bought it when it first came out. you helped tremendously! if you dig the video and want to show some love you can donate money on my site toward future video projects or better yet buy my new one "Expectations." http://www.wespeden.com/crustyjuggler/Expectations_Video.html






An interview with Don Robertson


Don talks about his fifty-year career as a yo-yo performer: how he got started, competitions, highlights from his career, his son Mark, and what he thinks of the current yo-yo scene. [Subtitles added because I didn't have an external mic, and the cafe background noise was a bit too loud at times.] Interview by The Void (British Yo-yo Champion 2003).






I Call This Contact Juggling-Kyle Johnson


Damn WMG on Youtube. Long live Juggling.tv! I posted this in support of the Contact Juggling community. I haven't made a pure contact video in a while and I thought it was necessary. Fushigi and its ridiculous marketing/business tactics have taken a lot away from the contact juggling community recently. Things like respect, respect for the fact that we spend years on this stuff. I personally have lots of hard work, study, creativity (i like to think so), and sometimes pain (see, hard work) into this activity. I know many others have too, and I don't like seeing my friend upset over this attempted re-branding and simplification of our art/whatever./nSo I just wanted to say I am not going to admit defeat to this B.S. I'm still going to progress and do what I like and so should everyone else. This is not the end of contact juggling./nArticle by Dube on the subject:http://www.dube.com/blog/?p=765/nPost by Ryan Mellors on the subject: http://www.contactjuggling.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2








Kris Kremo routine. I wasn't going to upload this, because he drops and quality is not so good and routine is online already. Then I think it's ok because even the best jugglers sometimes drop, and we can see he has a joke to use when he drops. He's good even when he is not perfect.






Dual Balance


Two poles of different lengths balanced simultaneously on the head, as well as some other balancing tricks. This is know as a dual or twin inverted pendulum in control systems engineering. In the first 2 clips I use a long pole that is 4 times the length of the short pole. In the 3rd clip the long pole is only 3 times as long and is more difficult. The poles fit together in sections so that I can pack them in my bag. They're made from a cheap Argos wardrobe. The ball on the end of the long pole is mainly there to make the end more visible. I'm using rubber chair leg feet at the bottom end of the poles. Music is 'Heartbeats' by The Knife.






10 Years of Not Juggling - Full Resolution


I took a 10-year break from juggling, but am getting back into it. Here is my first collage. Music is Comets Over Flatland (15) by R. Winchester. It is written in 15-tone equal temperament, not the otherwise universal 12-tone equal temperament of western music. Filmed in late 2009. 0:04: 4: 61616 0:19: 5: ([4,4x],2)* 0:29: 7: ([6,6x],2)* 0:37: 4: 7161616 0:51: 5: 75751, 77771707771716661*, then 95551 a few times. * Trick was "spontaneous." 1:21: 5: 66661 1:31: 8: (8,8), 97, 8, (8x,8x) flashes 1:56: 5: 91 2:07: 6: 99919191 2:14: 8: 999999990 and 99999991 flashes 2:23: 9: 9 (9 catches then 11 catches) 2:40: 10: a (11 catches, Garfield Finish) 2:48: 5: 88171717 3:00: 6: 8844 3:07: 6: 868671 3:15: 6: b66661 3:23: 4: 80 (Actually, 6: 8[22]) 3:36: 6: 889191 (big brother of 6671) 3:42: 6: 78888171 3:51: 6: 8888181 4:00: 7: 88888817 4:05: 8: 97 4:11: 7: 8888881 4:20: 8: (8,8) (18 catches) 4:27: 7: 888891 - this is a really neat trick 4:32: 8: 8 (21 catches) 4:40: 10: a (17 throws, 10 drops)






3D Practice with bonus


Hey, it's a 3D practice video, with editing of course. includes suns (to armstall and popping out for fts) and about 10 otts (?) sometimes. Plus there is bonus stuff at the end, some integrals (for you guys from d.ca, my new pics (Integral, Integral 2, Integral 3) were taken from these shots) and a new eiffle. Please help me with the shuffle though.






3 diabolos practice


since one year i can do 3 diabolos, and a day boring i decide to check wath can i do after one year with 3d and here is it, i can also five or six 42 and minicolums i get sometimes tow rounds but i dont practice them often i put allso some tricks hwo i often land but this day they dosnt want to work, i didnt expend time for film it or editing, even...enjoy!
3d - diabolos - diabolo - low - 42 - feed - the - sun - fts - trick - combo - tricks - box - 42*3 -






More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2 - Instant Prop Stand


buy the full video from http://www.wespeden.com Price: $10 Length: 22:47 File Size: 516MB/nManipulation Research Laboratory presents: More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2- Instant Prop Stand How many times has this ever happened to you? #1. You forget to bring your prop stand and leave it at home! #2. The airline loses your luggage... again! Well look no further, because this video will show you how to execute a professional performance every time, EVEN WITHOUT A PROP STAND! Techniques included on the video demonstrate how to impress a client and nail that gig if your prop stand goes missing. These handy tricks will justify having your props lying on the floor all over the stage. No longer will you have to worry about looking unprofessional as you bend over each time to pick stuff up for your next routine. Transform any stage into a fun working environment with over 20 minutes of sure-fire gold, only available on this download offer today!/nPerformed by: Wesley Jefferson Peden & Jay Nathan Gilligan






Happy Oree Friends - Pretty Trippy Party trailer


A full length collaboration film featuring mostly Israeli and non Israeli jugglers and performers. The dream like story takes the viewer from the carpentry where Ori himself was created by his father to a surrealistic journey. While traveling in his own mind using his imagination Ori meets several bizarre characters, each one master a different Juggling prop. It took a year and a half to create the film which was shot in Israel, Italy, Spain and Europe. P.T.P combines original editing style, Psychedelic animation and soundtrack. The plot is not laniary and hazy at times which gives a sense of confusion and fantasy. The film is highly recommended to those who appreciate visual art, music and Juggling. Participants (A-Z): Aaron Tobiass, Ayal Benin, Bar Mualem, Boaz Nir-Shallom, Daniel Bareket, Dekel Azulay, Edgar Groll, Lorenzo Mastropietro, Neta Oren, Noam Geller, Ori Roth, Pavel Evsukevich, Ron Beeri, Tavo Del Prato, Uri Zelig, Yaniv Eliash, Yuval Roth. 55:19 minutes, WMV/MP4 PAL 805/820 MB, 12 euros






Marcus and me in NYC


We filmed all over NYC and here's what we came up with! Good times!






David Leahy 6


Wow, where do I even start with this video? I started the David Leahy series in January 2007 with the first video and carried on to make the next 4 all within the year 2007. The original plan for the 6th video was May 2008 but I struggling to improve and ended up scrapping the video. I got back into juggling seriously in 2010 and spent awhile trying to reach my previously obtained standard. Anyway, Here I am in 2012, 4.5 years after the last video, and I've finally completed it! I really hope you enjoy it, I tried really hard trying to make this video reflect my juggling and even after watching it hundreds of times, I enjoy the final product. Thanks to everyone for the continuous support and inspiration in juggling; you mean the world to me! I do intend on making David Leahy #7 but I have some big plans with TSC so it could take awhile. I do have like 16 weeks summer holiday though so I'm sure you can expect both around then!






Enjoy the views


This video is kind of travel guide around Norway. I had to move a couple of times in long trips and i decided to film some easy tricks (coz dad & friend filming...waiting) in some places with nice views. The diabolists in the acknowledges are those ones from my city that inspired me.






What do I need to change in my juggling form


I've been juggling for a about a year and a half, and had 5 balls down (I thought) about a year ago, but now I'm having problems with my form. I'm having pain in my right shoulder and arm after a few hundred catches of 5 objects. As a side note, I do have some kind of muscle problem with my right shoulder now. I'm not sure if it's caused my by my bad form, or causes it, or is completely unrelated. I've been to a chiropractor 3 times now for it and I'm just wondering what to change. Thanks.






The Circus Arts AS CW


The Arts was my first ever circus video was created for my Yr12 6th AS media CW and i think it is very good would like lots feedback comments tips hints and compliments :D:D lmao btw forget about the intro purly to get up a extra grade lmao :D Thanks to Kent Circus School for helping preform and teaching me and also thanks to my GF who filmed most of it oh btw sumone tampered with it before i merged it then i merged it without resolving this so audio at times is not what it should be which makes the film less effective unfortunly Enjoy the show :D:D






Adverse Reaction


FINALLY! Alright, so we've got a lot of good stuff in here, like 8 catches of a 6 ring full reverse, 5 ring half shower, 5 ring full reverse double qualify, a 5 ball mills, 5 ring pancakes, 8 ring flash, 7 ring qualify, and a 4 box move I call "Impossible". Sorry about the massive wait, I got a job and didn't have a single place to practice any move that needed more than an 8 foot ceiling. That AND After trying to use Sony Vegas with my regular video editing style, I found it to be 300 times more work (exactly, not an estimate) than to just use Windows Movie Maker. Or course the problem is Movie Maker got corrupted on my computer somehow and doesn't want to work correctly anymore, so I had to mash this thing together in movie maker and vegas, and save it piece by piece before finally recombining it tonight. Thus, the editing isn't the BEST in the world, but I think it's good enough, I absolutely did NOT want to release this after the IJA. Once the next semester starts, I'm sure I'll be getting even BETTER f







I came up with this theme after I realized that me and my audience like 2 different types of things, most of the time anyway (of course there are exceptions). I like small number, smooth and flowy stuff, not necessarily easy, but stuff I can do with 95% confidence. My audience, from what I gathered in public practices and youtube comments, they like the stuff I can sometimes do on a good day. Originally this was going to be a my favorites and best videos. But really, my favorites are what I like, the best is what you like./nSo I hope you like my videos! Make sure to watch part 2 after!






Juggling is a kind of magic


I noticed Juggling.TV has better quality, and it's important for these videos, because the scenery is not only carefully selected, it is VERY hard to get to sometimes (part of this is in Finse, Norway!) Thanks to Kristin, Tom H, Brian K, Mike G and Sondre for helping me videotape.






2 diabolos tutorial: both legs stall (IJA youtube contest)


My first entry to the 2nd IJA video tutorial contest, check it out and vote for me on april 1st, please! http://www.juggle.org/business/youtube//nI know I repeated the word "really" to many times, and that I make funny faces while talking, but that's ok, hahahhhaahahha/nIf you have sugestions or questions just leave a comment!/n--//--/nMeu video para o campeonato do IJA, espero que gostem. Por favor, votem em mim no dia 1º de abril!/nSugestões e dúvidas são bem vindas!






Laura Bosken- Ball Juggling


My first official exclusive juggling.tv video because we all know how youtube can be./nWell, this was supposed to be more of a practice video to showcase what I've been working on etc. There are a few fun clips though. I didn't get a chance to get as many cool shots as I wanted but the focus was supposed to be on the juggling more for this one anyways. Lots of penguin tricks (big surprise). I might start working on other 3 ball stuff for a while since change is sometimes a good thing... or so I've heard. So yeah, any advice, trick requests and whatnot are always welcome.






Cirque Quirk 2013 Promo


(619)419-6703, call for booking! Please Like and Share! http://Www.CirqueQuirk.com http://www.Facebook.com/CirqueQuirk http://www.linkedin.com/in/cirquequirk/ https://twitter.com/CirqueQuirk [email protected] Exposition of shows and skills featuring Cirque Quirk's Nathaniel Allenby Juggling a variety of object combinations, tricks and numbers in various settings. Primarily working in San Diego and Orange Counties but often traveling, this year featuring New York City! Central Park has a few glimpses, including the building from Ghostbusters, as well as Times Square!






The Origin of Aether Arts


aether-arts.com This video is the origin of Aether Arts. Aether Arts is: Mark Conigliaro, Bri Maneely, Sennyo and Sir_Riel. We are excited about many things to come in the future. /nWebsite: aether-arts.com About the name, this is copied from Wikipedia -"In classical thought, the four elements Earth, Water, Air, and Fire frequently occur; sometimes including a fifth element or quintessence (after "quint" meaning "fifth") called Aether in ancient Greece."/nThank you to Ao (aoarts.com) and (zaobab.com) for also contributing!






Budget-time juggling


Video from early 2004, made by juggling 5 clubs a lot of times.






A Couple Of Slightly Non-standard Catches


Shot outside the Odeon in Cardiff Bay. Shortly afterward the marketing manager asked me if I wanted to earn some free tickets by performing in front of the imax screen while the people took their seats for Alice in Wonderland. Of course I said yes and it went pretty well. Good times. :) Also, I should probably credit Wes Peden for the inspiration (although he's probably sick of it by now).






ligth diabolos performance @ ilusionART


some stract from ligth juggling performance by ilusionart filmed during 2008 in diferents location. greetings to Jelen for the awesome 1d trick, Paco canario for colaborated with us and Pacopera for provide us sometimes. and all who make posible us performance.






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